Sorry… We’re like that only!

BJP need to be congratulated for their Pacman act, swallowing One state after another, without invoking the ‘bloody’ minority card.

Do genuinely appreciate BJP’s consistency on implementing Aadhaar Scheme and Bank Accounts… without rebranding.

Now, let us look at other people friendly acts which has helped them achieve great results so far.

“Swach Bharat”  – Cleaning India – with Air waves.

Swach Bharat, the act of cleaning our Coffers with Advertisements aired on Media, reminding us more of our Dear Leader rather Cleanliness or Mohanlal.

After a successful foreign trip, inferred by Economist’s clarification, that it does not view Modi as “pain-in-A$$”, BJP realised USA become Clean and Developed since the Presidents cleansed the Streets predominant using the Camera rather the Broom.

A major innovation by India, after Ramdev’s mystic ebola & gay cure, is cleaning the dirt in streets with Swach-Bharat-Ad-Airwaves, thereby rendering the sophisticated investments on garbage machinery by the West – meaningless.

“Shramev Jayate” : Labourer Wins – in his dreams.

Answer to Dear Leader’s love for Labourers, who already proved his business friendliness, by accompanying one Business Man on his foreign trips.

The Labourers were showered with love, with the perks below.

  • Over-time pay for labourers will be reduced from double to single.
  • Employers can have maximum 50 (from 20) labourers without enrolling for any Medical or PF benefits.
  • Factories with 300 ( from 100 ) workers can shutdown without informing the Government.

‘Shramev Jayate’ means ‘Labourer Wins’, inspired by Bollywood Star’s  show ‘Truth Wins – which happens only in Bollywood stories not even in Hollywood nowadays’.

Now the labourers are quite happy that they will have to carry less money in their Pockets as salary and can live healthily without any exposure to Doctors and Medical Checks.

The ‘Roaring Parrot’ or ‘Rock-Star Astrologer’?

Modi has definitely boosted India’s morale stirring the hopes of the aspirational by forecasting Good days ahead.

While the reasons or plans for Good Days, are not even as convincing as Astrologer’s planetary transition stories, he has effectively positioned himself as Rock Star cum Cult Leader.

He is ably helped with the ground work of mass-subservient forces helmed by Nobel-Peace-Prize ‘deserving’ Corporate-Saints who copyright breathing.

And other Politico-Religious Leaders, who are vigorously working on retrieving others Black money from abroad, while safely hiding theirs.

And BusinessMen who buy India for less and sell to Indians for more.

And few Journalists & Anti-Corruption Activists who are currently obsessed with Political Posts rather corruption or governance.

And his 50% Criminal Candidates who are busy adoring BJP for their incorruptibility ‘act’.

But, the real strength of Modi lies with the crowd who are so receptive of him, even if that means hearing the cliched ‘Ache Din’ song again… and again… and again.

In fact they grow hysteric when Modi blames the very crowd for sleeping 60 years after independence.

The Audience get so seduced for his magnetic speech making one wonder if they are influenced by electromagnetic waves. BJP Leaders wear ( Tin-Foil type ) Hats for their speeches.

Tearing (for) the Opposition 

And the opposition Leaders who were busy looting assets during their past regime, are now reduced to tears. They are currently busy blaming their own leader who teared corruptive ordinances and remain incorruptible, rather just act like one.

Modi’s ‘Supreme Power of One’ is not just due to his hard-work, but a selfless team-work of other Senior BJP Leaders (including Advani ) who showed their Heart to sideline themselves to elevate him.

Compare this in stark contrast to the Opposition where everybody who has followers (on twitter) is a  Leader.

While BJP views loyalty as basic necessity, the opposition views Loyalty as virtue and the so-called loyals consider loyalty as their liberty to loot. So the opposition is now reduced to poor Party but with rich Leaders.

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