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Abraham & Sons Vs. The rest of the World.

Happened to watch the Spy Web series from Cohen, masterfully crafted and mimicking very close to reality. It sings peans to Mossad’s ability to infiltrate for intelligence gathering. Cohen rises from a modest typist to almost Deputy Defence Minister of Syria, thanks to Israel’s money power begged from USA and Syria’s greed for power and infighting then. He gets exposed by one paranoid individual, supposedly the only thinking person from the Syrian side. More than the expose, it’s the Spy’s arrogance, who could not even question the frequent power cuts happening around, despite holding high table. It partly explains Mossad’s or Israel’s superiority complex that their intelligence will never get countered, just like the terror crisis of late and how they are killing innocent civilians leaving out the Hamas guys in the name of retaliation. Only the creamy intelligentsia could work out such miracles.

Harrowing image from Israeli border towns attacked by Hamas @Reuters.
Nothing justifies the terror attack even if we go down 75 years history of oppression from Israel rendering Gaza to an Open Air Prison depriving them of everything except life – Airport, Power and what not…
Hamas need to be hunted down and served Justice, but not by Bombing down Gaza. it just shows how superficial and showy instead of substance, the Israeli leadership has become.

When the West said, “What Ho Jews!”

The World’s most intelligent community, who once weeped that they got nowhere to go, has already amassed Palestine in novel ways with the blind blessings of the west, acting like the proverbial three Monkeys, See / Hear or Do nothing about Israel’s evils, especially when it comes to Palestine. The West Bank is lead by corrupt leader an omen on what will happen to Israel, if their rulers are corrupt. While Gaza is under brutal siege, West bank got slowly occupied slice by slice.

I remember the young Palestinian children who had never met their mothers because they were never given the permit to travel within the West Bank. Thousands of Palestinians never get a chance to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem. Today, West Bank is facing another Al Nakba (exodus). In the worst-hit cities and refugee camps such as Jenin, Aqabat Jaber, Qalqilya, and Qalandiya, smaller Bedouin communities are being evacuated, land is being grabbed, and farms are being vandalised.

Quote from Shubdha Choudhary @ The Hindu

Had a friendly chat with my fishermen friend who provides me fresh seafood, while bargaining for crabs. He just explained on his professional hassles and how difficult it is to catch crabs. Those inhuman or (incrabby?) crabs bite with their claws and not so easy to catch them. Wonder what will the crabs do when they realise its their last fight for survival. While the massacre of Israelis is terrible, if you are not biased, could equate the decades long Palestinian struggle to that of crabs fighting for their survival, as another perspective. Hamas or any other outfit may not emerge victorious or even alive from lethal opponents – Israel and USA and they are very well aware of it. I don’t know how Israel-USA act like “Mad for each other Combo”, let’s take it up for later. But it could be Hamas’ last chance for their cause of free Palestine state, now occupied by Israel like a malignant tumour. It could be their last desperate suicidal surgery to further their cause.

“I hadn’t the heart to touch my breakfast. I told Jeeves to drink it himself.”

PG Wodehouse

Israel’s Racist Dream / Nightmare of Palestine without Palestinians

When Netanyahu is pretty good at ethnic cleansing, pervading like cancer, slice by slice, why he should attack Gaza? Israel’s gameplan is outed by Mr. Jeeve – Blinken, scoring same side goals for USA with his misplaced loyalty ( owing to his bloodline? ). Their idea is to establish Palestinian Authority, a corrupt puppet of Israel, leveraged to gobble up West Bank and Jerusalem, to rule Gaza so that they could eventually slice up the strip with Jewish enclaves. The other option proposed by Mr. Jeeve is that entrusting the administrations through UN, a dummy stooge of US where everything could be controlled through a Proxy like how Israel controls USA with its inimitable Jewish lobby. None of the so called “peace” solutions offered is going to work for Palestinians who may find Hamas like alternatives as better option in granting them autonomy and semblance of independence from the clutches of Israel, seething to grab everything from them.

“The voice of love seemed to call to me, but it was a wrong number.”

Very Good Jeeves, PG Wodehouse.

The Director of the New York office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig Mokhiber, has resigned in protest over the organisation’s inability to stop the “genocide” of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. he has summarized the pain of his and all the hapless civilians crushed under the asses of the pompous Western world.

“We are seeing a genocide unfolding before our eyes, and the Organisation that we serve appears powerless to stop it… The current wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people, rooted in an ethno-nationalist colonial settler ideology, in continuation of decades of their systematic persecution and purging, based entirely upon their status as Arabs … leaves no room for doubt…

This is a textbook case of genocide…  European ethnic-nationalist, settler colonial project in Palestine had entered its final phase to destroy the last remnants of indigenous Palestinian life in Palestine. The genocide we are witnessing in Palestine is the product of decades of Israeli impunity provided by the US & other western governments & decades of dehumanization of the Palestinian people by western corporate media. Not only are these governments refusing to meet their treaty obligations to ensure respect for Geneva conventions, but they are actively arming the assault, providing intelligence support and giving political and diplomatic cover for Israel’s atrocities.”

Palestinian dead Bodies in Israel post Hamas attack.

Oh-So-Innocent Jewish Extremists.

Despite the outrage, The Jewish Extremists are trying hard to convince the World that they are still innocent. Let’s go answering one by one of their grievances.

Prior to that, let’s keep in mind John Oliver’s excellent observation…

“The tendency to collapse leaders and citizens when discussing this. To assume that Netanyahu speaks for all Israelis, or that Hamas speaks for all Palestinians, because that is emphatically not the case.”

John Oliver

Innocent Jewish Question #1: I could not understand how Democratic Socialists of America could rally for Hamas and other Palestinian leaders who became billionaires in part by stealing from their citizens. While most of the Gazan population live below the poverty level, their leaders live in the lap of luxury.

My answer would be that, Firstly, Corruption is not just amongst Palestinian Leaders. Netanyahu is a shining example of bending the Supreme Court on his Corruption cases, to escape unscathed. Secondly, The Right Wing extremists and settlers are not just corrupt on the dimension of money but abysmally morally corrupt to the level of making Arabs go through apartheid and bloody violence meted out by settlers. Lastly, At least the Gaza residents resisted the corrupt PA and its Leader Abbas, by electing the Hamas. On the contrary, what Israelis did is giving absolute power to an extremist Netanyahu for fifteen years, succumbing themselves to the extremist sentiments.

There are some “huge asterisks” about Gazans’ election of Hamas, such as that it was elected in 2006 without a referendum since; that children born after the election make up roughly half of Gaza’s population; and that Hamas won only a plurality of votes by presenting itself as a moderate organization against a rival party, Fatah, widely known for corruption.

Even if all Palestinians in Gaza did support Hamas – which they do not – the relentless bombings of civilians there would still be abhorrent,” Oliver argued. “Collective punishment is a war crime. But the fact is, there is much more criticism of Hamas in Gaza than Americans in general and these dipshits in particular are willing to admit. Palestinians in Gaza are not a monolith and nor, importantly, are Israelis.”

“We pay tax to Israel. We pay a tax to Fatah. We pay a tax to Hamas. We have three governments. They all shoot us…. We are very oppressed.”

Wa’el Al Wadia, the founder of Gaza’s largest food manufacturer.  He used to export 80 percent of his products to the West Bank. But now his operation is just a fraction of what it used to be: there’s nowhere for his bags of chips and snacks to go. He had to rebuild his factory after Israeli bombs destroyed it in the 2009 and 2014 wars, losses which he hasn’t made back.

Israel accuses Hamas of using its money and resources to build more tunnels for smuggling in arms and to wage violence, and not for helping its population beset by a state of de-development. Inside Gaza, many Palestinians told me they are angry that Hamas officials are living large while people are struggling to just both eat and have a place to sleep. But, while living under siege, people say that frustration has nowhere productive to go. Instead, Gaza’s problems keep feeding off of each other.

“You can improve the condition of the prison a little bit, but still it’s the prison,” said Shaban.

The UNRWA cuts are just the latest kick in the gut to Gaza’s already starved economy and society. After all, to understand the folly of weaponizing food policies, just ask someone in Gaza what they are eating and why.

Innocent Jewish Question #2: Did they seriously think that Israel is responsible for Middle Eastern violence? Did they realize that all of the wars involving Israel have been defensive wars? 

The facts say otherwise. It’s the Israelis who captured the Palestine through unethical means, rooting from the deceitful Balfour declaration. They waged war against neighbours and captured land in Yom Kippur War as an “act of self defense” ( Does this ring anything?). The First Lebanon War was again an act of “Self Defense” citing an assassination of Israel’s UK ambassador by a terrorist cell, not by any country. All the Gaza Hamas uprisings were due to Israel’s inhuman oppression of its residents stealing their occupation, income and autonomy including Airport, Power and now down to Hospitals, all in the name of “Self Defense”. I would bet every war Israel wages, to acquire supremacist power will be “self-defense”, but Palestinians could NOT do that so called “self-defense” even if the Jews occupy their land driving them out with cruel Nakbas.

Zionists say that all attacks on Israel are genocide. Let us look at the fatality count in some of the Israel-Palestine wars. Yom Kippur, 1973, saw 2,700 Israeli deaths and 19,000 Arab/Palestinian deaths. In the First Lebanon War, the numbers were 1,200 and 20,000. First Intifada: 179 and 1,200; Second Intifada: 900 and 3,300. The four Gaza Wars: 144 Israeli deaths and 4,800 Palestinian deaths. As this goes to press, the corresponding numbers for the ongoing war are 1,400 and 7,300, respectively. Hamas has stones, homemade rockets, tractors, and motorcycles. Israel has the world’s most sophisticated weapons. Israel is a nuclear nation while the Palestinians barely have a nation. Wasn’t it Voltaire who said killing is a crime unless you “kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets”?

A Palestinian man from al-Badrasawi family carries the body of his child who was killed in Israeli strikes, at Shuhada Al-Aqsa hospital in the central Gaza Strip, October 31. REUTERS/Ahmed Zakot

Innocent Jewish Question 3: Did these protestors honestly believe that this was a struggle over land? If so, how could they explain the fact that there was no peace even after Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, giving the Palestinians all of the land? In addition, the Palestinians received billions of dollars in international aid. Instead of investing in infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, and factories, Hamas invested in terrorism, building rockets and terror tunnels.

No, it was never a struggle over Land for Palestinians and it’s a Freudian slip from a ranting semitic fanatic, who is obsessed with others Land, where Live and Let Live as a philosophy cannot Live. Palestine has schools and Hospitals which are now bombed in the name Hamas Command Posts. Even by the theory of Israel predicting 500 Km long tunnels, they must be omnipresent running across civic amenities. Can’t they just fight it out from other entry points of the tunnel? Why would any sane person would bomb those civic amenities and come up with stories in Kids room, laying out weapons? In terms of funding, it was Netanyahu who allowed such funding to hamas, strategizing to weaken the PA and capture Jerusalem.

In 2009, pasta and lentils were removed from the banned list after then Senator John Kerry and other US representatives visited the Gaza Strip and were appalled to find out they were forbidden, according to Israel’s Haaretz Newspaper.

“The food blockade instilled in Gazans a strong sense of uncertainty and complete lack of control over their food choices,” Gross and Feldman wrote in a 2015 study in the Berkeley Journal of International Law. “Some of the additions to the list were even made to further Israeli economic interests, such as protecting the market prices of local Israeli farmers with excess agricultural produce. Israeli-produced tahini, or sesame paste, took over the Gaza market after Israel periodically banned the import of sesame seeds. Red tahini, made from specially toasted seeds, is a Gazan favorite that has become too costly to make.

What Israel has accomplished so far is preparing the Gaza and West Bank for a genocide. Now, it has got a free hand to do what it itched for long to proceed through other stages of Genocide.

And like all processes, genocide has its stages – 10 stages in all if we are to refer to the list prepared by Dr Gregory Stanton, founding president and chairman of Genocide Watch, an organisation that does exactly what its name implies.

One of those stages is dehumanisation. This is an important one because committing genocide is not easy; murdering men, women and children in thousands tends to take a toll on the psyche, causing one to perhaps face all kinds of uncomfortable questions, to counter all manners of unwelcome thoughts that intrude into even the most closed of minds like single spies sneaking into a well-guarded fortress.

Those who pull the trigger on children, those who drop bombs on schools and hospitals, are after all presumably as humans as the ones they murder. How then, one wonders, do they sleep at night? How do they not see the blood on their hands every waking moment, like Lady Macbeth wandering the halls of the Dunsinane castle?

The answer is simple; you live with it by convincing yourself that those being killed are not in fact human, or at the very least not as human as you are. If you do that right and repeatedly, you will successfully convince yourself that murder is not murder; it’s pest control.

Well, Israel is just on the last stage of Genocide. The Denial Phase, where It justifies killing unarmed Civilians, even to the extent of clamping down Hospitals, denying treatment. Just keep in mind Israel is yet to uncover the Tunnel Headquarters under Al Shifa Hospital. All we get is few rusted Rifles laid down everywhere, making one wonder why the Hamas militants who escaped through those tunnels left them in Hospital.

John Oliver on gaza nails it…

“Any conversation around this has to begin with empathy, or we’re just fucked. We know that dehumanizing people leads to violence. We know that violence leads to even more brutality and destruction, and we know that crucially, breaking that cycle is unfortunately going to require leadership significantly different than the ones currently in place.”

To sum up, Israel never withdrew from Gaza. it just treated them like a Rat Farm, calibrating its feed after caging through Checkposts. Hamas is just a brutal Warden of the Gaza Prison. The real Culprit is Israel, completely dehumanizing the inhabitants through constant degradation of their lifestyle where Death looks like a nicer option. If you are not convinced, google yourself on Palestinian Kids Photos. Changing Warden never helps unless the Superior authority changes for good.

Innocent Jewish Question #4: Did they know that Hamas uses its citizens, especially children, as human shields, whereas Israel uses its soldiers to protect its citizens?

First of all demanding millions of people to leave their home, just because Israel wants to fight few thousands of militants is like cutting your thumb to avoid growing nails. Secondly, Hamas has no control over Gaza or its civilians as demonstrated by the inhuman siege enacted by Israel. IDF mentioned Hamas could not even stop the movement of Israel troops in Gaza equipped with just stones, grenades and rockets. It’s pretty clear Israel wants to play out the tricky urban warfare in a fast and furious mode, competing with hamas on revenge saga. Thirdly, Israel does not like Gaza Civilians resisting to leave their homeland and are scared more about their armless resistance across West bank / Gaza than Hamas. They will do these civilian evacuation just to make sure there are no Arab roots even after the war. Hamas and their undoing is just a cover for the cunning Israeli administration. Israel’s perceived self defense is fighting an unjust war, in a closed environment without any network access, simulating a gas chamber, suppressing civilians even before they try to resist.

Israel’s claim of Hamas is using civilians is just a narrative to smoke Hamas Militants out of their dens / holes. The fact is Israel controls even the food intake of Gazans by calibrating the controls at Borders.

In 2012, Gisha published some of this information after attaining it through a freedom of information petition. The documents showed that in 2008, the Israeli military precisely calculated the daily amount of calories needed to avoid malnutrition in Gaza (2,279 per person, in line with World Health Organization guidelines) as part of determining how much food to let in.

“The [Israeli government] thinking was we don’t want Gaza residents to outright die of hunger but we definitely don’t want them to be too full or happy and fulfilled,” Marmur told me in June. She called it a form of “economic warfare” aimed at “trying to squeeze people to put pressure on them to topple Hamas.”

Innocent Jewish Question #5: Did the same people who champion the rights of indigenous people know they were denying Jewish people, the indigenous people of Israel, the right to their historic homeland?

To address the historicity of Jewish Homeland, Jews did not rule Jerusalem before Second World War. It’s the Caliphs and Ottomans who ruled Jerusalem and were magnanimous enough to allow Jews peacefully without any segregation, except for few Caliphs who segregated with higher taxation. But History states Jews lived peacefully in Arabia under the able leadership of Islam rulers and migrated to Palestine from Europe owing to violence and forced exodus. If you are curious why they should face exodus across the globe other than Arabia, is because despite being famed Merchants with integrity, they did not gel with other races / communities isolating themselves in enclaves and characterized by greyish supremacist attitude treating others as secondary servants, extracting exorbitant lending rates from uneducated poor people, even grabbing their lands and corrupt undertakings by bribing Officials. To sum up, historically Palestine belonged to Arabs for centuries after Christ AD.

For the next part of Rights Champions standing with Palestinians, let’s say hypothetically, tomorrow tables turn and someone else got upper hand in the region. Should we all sit tight and watch when the new Superior Badass sadistically asks all Jews to evacuate Israel so that they will fight with IDF alone? Should we all be fine with a badass cutting off water, power and communication in Israel so that people die on their own? Should we just cruelly entertain ourselves, rather asking blood boiling questions, while watching videos of Jews getting bombed, Jews begging on the streets for food and Jewish Kids drinking sea water and Jewish Babies are buried in Hospital campus? Personally, I as a lame blogger will resist that atrocity too, just like the righteous BLM Movement or god fearing Christians are doing now.

Innocent Jewish Question #6: Were they aware that in recent years millions of Muslims have murdered other Muslims in wars and violent upheavals in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, Myanmar, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria? If indeed Israel left, there would be more bloodshed.

First of all some of the Arab countries have not even recognized Israel and others are lured with western incentives. One of the major reasons Palestine is burning is because of the factions of the Arab world. One could observe cracks with the Arab summit, lack of mutual trust allowing external parties to leverage them, rightfully so with everyone’s enmity track record. Israel’s grievous war crime of this century yet, got blessings of the West, UN and even few Arab countries who are implicitly complicit to this massacre, while paying ferocious lip service to soothe the Arab streets, as evident in the Last Arab summit and dummy UN resolutions.

But, Israel is just acting as a catalyst of separating Arabs, propping up Iran as the trouble maker and seeking to make peace with Abrahamic Accords signed States, only to stabilise themselves in the region with recognition. Israel is not looked upon as Peace-Maker but as offering Piece-Meal solutions and eating them up too, like the story of Monkey and two cats.

The two cats went in search of food, they found a loaf of bread. They both wanted the bread as they were very hungry. They began to fight over it. one cat said, “I found it first it’s mine.” Another cat said, “No I found it first, give it to me.” 

A monkey in the tree seeing them fighting said to himself, ‘It will be great if I get that bread. It looks yummy.” He came to the cats and said, “Friends why are you quarrelling? I will settle your fight”. Both the cats agreed to his proposal. 

The Monkey split the bread into two uneven pieces. One piece was large and the other piece was small. Then he ate a portion from the larger piece. But this made the other piece larger. So it took a bite from the other piece. likewise, the monkey ate the whole loaf of bread. It climbed back the tree laughing at the cats. Two foolish cats couldn’t able to eat anything.

Innocent Jewish Question #7: Did they know that in 1948, there were actually more Jewish refugees expelled from Arab countries than Palestinians expelled from Israel?

Firstly, it confirms more Jews have lived with Arabs peacefully before the birth of Israel, ruled by the Ottomans. Secondly, Ottomans failed in the second World war deceived by the Western powers. When the western powers split up the land as per their secret agreement, Britain gifted Israel splitting the Palestine leveraging the UN, as a return gift for Jewish Lobby and their help in war efforts and most importantly after the holocaust recognising the need for a separate land for Jews. The original inhabitants – The Arabs were rendered secondary citizens subservient to the new Masters – The Jews, and resisted the Split. This led to violence on both the sides. Lastly, Of course Jews suffered violence but Israel has displaced more Palestine’s Arabs than Jews from Arab land throughout History and is evident even now at gaza and west bank.

Israel is repeating the genocide with impunity from 1948, like the current happenings at Gaza, by denying the natives even basic living needs.

...the mass expulsion of Palestinians from the towns of Lydda and Ramle in July 1948, which accounted for one-tenth of the overall Arab-Palestinian exodus. Most among the 50,000-70,000 Palestinians that were expelled from the two cities did so following an official expulsion order signed by the then commander of the Harel Brigade, Yitzhak Rabin: “The inhabitants of Lydda”, Rabin clarified, “must be expelled quickly without attention to age”. Several hundreds of them died during the exodus from exhaustion and dehydration.

Innocent Jewish Question #8: Most importantly, were they aware that all of the bloodshed between Arabs and Jews could have been avoided with one word: YES! When the United Nations offered both the Jews and the Arabs a country of their own, the Jews said YES, but the Arabs said NO, choosing war instead.

Israel is the geopolitical historical use case of Western Police aligning with the Thief, ensuring the actual owner is dispossessed of belongings, so as to share the loot. Let’s say tomorrow, some greedy Idiot conquers Israel and wants to gift it to Arabs back where Israelis can live but without any rights on their homeland, will the Israelis say “YES!” or move on to somewhere else? Just keep in mind, the Israelis have extracted blood revenge in multiples throughout their history on their Arab neighbours, even amassing their land. Infact, the Middle east was relatively peaceful before the birth of Israel, except for the crusade and World wars. Formation of Israel was not a marriage, where the odd couples kiss each and live happily ever after, but slaughter of rights of inhabitants and their descendants doomed for the future. Ethnic Cleansing was never about Simple “Yes” or “No”.

Innocent Jewish Question #9: Did these “peace advocates” know that Israel has offered the Palestinians peace agreements multiple times over the years, only to be rejected every time and met with an increased level of Palestinian violence?

Israel’s Birth got nothing to do with Peace. It has a lot to do with the petroleum reserves in the Arab which the Western world realised as golden grail of the future then, just as it got to wash off its guilt with Holocaust. Infact, prior World War II, Britain was ready to offer Jews some land in Africa. Israel was their western agent installed to keep the Arab world on leash with the western military strategic control installed there.

Israel never acted like a Peace agent but as a Loot agent. Israel got a method of pressing for Peace once it has stolen enough land from Palestinians and neighbouring countries. It has criminal track record of amassing Palestinian Lands by settling villages near the Borders. Peace treaties for Israel are nothing but the act of a mischievous kid stealing the chocolates from an innocent and seeking the help of his Guardians to legalise the loot. The Peace treaties were always a deceitful way of legitimizing those illegal jewish settlements. Irrespective of the Peace deal outcome, Israel has aggressively encroached the Arab land causing disturbances, throwing away the treaties to bin. With Netanyahu, it has lost its moderate greed succumbing to extremist attitude of apartheid in West Bank and suppressing Gaza as a Prison Block, with an agenda to assimilate Jerusalem. I would bet Israel’s next Peace treaty proposal will demand Palestinians to leave off Jerusalem at Western Gun point along with West Bank and Gaza goodies ruled by proxies. It’s just a namesake agreement so that World will not question their colonial attitude.

Innocent Jewish Question #10: Is it willful ignorance or intellectual laziness that has brought the level of antisemitism to where it is today? At a time when it is increasingly unacceptable to be racist or homophobic, antisemitism continues to be a cancer that briefly recedes only to return with a vengeance.

“Let me be very, very clear. Being pro-Palestinian is not being anti semitic, being pro-Palestinian does not mean you’re pro-Hamas or pro-terrorism,” Jordan Queen Rania explained it well.

If we start generalizing, anyone reading proper History will be deemed anti-semitic. Anyone reading unbiased Newspaper will be deemed anti-semitic. When Israel learns the actual meaning of Apartheid, when Israel learns the value of lives other than Jews, when Israel learns what it means to live suffocated in Prison for generations… the world will learn to respect Jews a lot more than now, not just for their smartness and dedication but as peaceful and peace loving Humans. Miles to go… before the restless minds find their peaceful sleep.

Consider the Old Testament, where the Prophet Samuel warns the Israelites of the dangers of accepting a king. It is one of the most prescient – and sinister – passages in the Bible:

These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plough his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves.

The advent of settlements and private property had ushered in a new age in the history of humankind. The 1 per cent began oppressing the 99 per cent, and smooth talkers ascended from commanders to generals and from chieftains to kings. The days of liberty, equality and fraternity were over. – Robert Bergman, Humankind

Poor Peaceless Jeeve…

Only Mr. Jeeve could decipher how his resolution will bring in lasting Peace. Even for short term resolution, to calm the protestors enraged by the 10000+ lives bombed at Gaza, happening solely at US expense, Jeeve has come up with a unique idea of Humanitarian pause, analogous to giving life support to a terminally ill patient at scheduled interval, like checking how long he could survive without life support. By any illogical logic, one could not decipher, how the so called peace loving Peace Broker could bring in peace by killing more people. If at all there is one logic it’s about complete erasure of Palestinians with a deadly silence brought by WMDs. After killing 10000+ Palestinians as revenge for 1500 Israeli lives, Mr. Jeeve lamented that, “It is striking, and in some ways shocking, that the brutality of the slaughter has receded so quickly in the memories of so many, but not in Israel and not in America”. If at all Mr. Jeeve can tell us on the multiplication-table-of-Palestinian-sub-humanness, he uses to avenge his Israeli shock to end this might-mare… World could witness his double standards in open light.

I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.

PG Wodehouse

On 8th November 2023, Mr. Jeeve and fellow Jews ruling USA came up with another Jewish gem, that USA will not allow Israel to control Gaza, after successfully making it a Cemetery of sorts, a city without water, flour or communication and Just dusty air to live until.. Death. Israel as such knew better than anyone else that occupying Gaza will be biggest blunder in Country’s history. It’s better to be a small time thief silently slicing up West Bank making use of border loopholes rather doing a complete Land grab heist only to become the global enemy caught with pants down on their Neo-nazism.

A story on what happens when you got a nuisance as your settler neighbour.

The gypsy and the doctor are both in the market looking for houses. So the doctor decides that he wants his own custom house. So he buys a plot of land. And, seeing the doctor as a smart man, the gypsy does the same.

Once construction on the houses had begun, the gypsy copied everything the doctor did. The doctor put stones on his house, so did the gypsy. The doctor built an interlock drive way, so did the gypsy. In the end, both had identical houses. A few months later, being the flexible person he is, the doctor decides to get his house appraised, and so does the gypsy.

When the real estate agent asked the doctor how much he thought the house was worth, the doctor immediately said 1 million dollars. And so the real estate agent put up that price. Then the real estate agent asked the Gypsy what he thinks his house is worth, and instantly the Gypsy says 1.2 million dollars. The real estate agent asks the Gypsy why he thinks his house is worth more if they both have the exact same, identical house.

And the Gypsy responds “because who ever buys my house has a doctor for a neighbour, but whoever buys his house gets a Gypsy!”

Of course, Israel’s greed for land heist is not something new. It has been doing this for long. But this time it’s just taking revenge giving back a massacre of ten fold civilians rather capturing land. A Thief gets easily caught when he complicates doing both stealing and killing and Netanyahu being a seasoned thief, filled with Right wing hatred to the brim, will never attempt that as he is silently stealing West Bank for long. So, when Mr. Jeeve came up with this unpartial(?) magnanimous posture of freeing(?) gaza from Israel after the war err… Massacre, during his meet with Arab leaders, they just roasted him on his delusional gameplans for Gaza…


“How can we even entertain what will happen in Gaza when we do not know what kind of Gaza will be left after this war is done?” asked Ayman Safadi, as he stood next to Blinken. “Are we going to be talking about a wasteland? Are we going to be talking about a whole population reduced to refugees?”

Ayman Safadi, the Jordanian foreign minister and deputy prime minister

Of Course America is a mighty shining example for that Hypocrite Doctor who always makes the successful Hippocratic surgery, ensuring the Patient dies to live a happily ever… afterlife. If you scoff at Hospitals who erect Billboards for publicity, America is Picasso of such institutions, pretty at good at sponsoring inhuman catastrophe masterpieces with its cutting edge tech, ruthless weapons and funding around the world and at the same time act like a good doctor advising people to eat that Democratic Apple everyday. It’s also pretty ironic that Democratic America’s philosophical enemies – Dictatorships, have delivered much calmer regimes, needling others a lot lesser, like Communist China or Arab Monarchies. Maybe they have not fully evolved into weapon merchants. If you ask Biden, if he will hold a fair democratic election in Palestine, he will talk about everything else in the world except a simple Yes or No, just like infamous ceasefire comics. Its simple.. Palestinians will not support the corrupt PLA acting as Israel’s collaborator enabling its autocratism. The reality is… Biden will never cross that red line laid out by Israel, because when it comes to Israel, the world order goes topsy turvy.

 “It was a confusion of ideas between him and one of the lions he was hunting in Kenya that had caused A. B. Spottsworth to make the obituary column. He thought the lion was dead, and the lion thought it wasn’t.”

Ring for Jeeves – PG Wodehouse

Hypocrite’s Hippocratic version – Bombing is the man’s best medicine

America’s Hippocratic Hypocrite avatar is exactly displayed in full glory at Gaza. Picture USA providing 15 Billion Dollar alms to Israel for the war funding, is actually begging Israel for a ceasefire. If you are confused who are the real masters here, you need to check the Jewish electoral funding, establishing the zen theory of what goes in circle as Aid, comes in perfect circle as election funds, like a racist hawala ( Illegal Money exchange using foreign bypass circuits ). Only USA can pinch the baby asleep in the cradle and also rock it like a loving Mother, singing lullabies to calm the world and its own people. Only Holy Mother USA, holding a flaming torch of Liberty, could pull off a world heist by burning the unarmed civilian World in the guise of Self-defense.

I am an unashamed ardent admirer of USA and its open culture, but it’s also pretty ironic that its Government and its people act like two different entities working on opposite polarities. Maybe that’s what keeps their cowboy democracy powered. Giving due credit where its due, one gotta acknowledge, nowhere else… Christians, Muslims, Hindus and rainbow coalition of races can cohabit peacefully along with the Americans, I mean the native Indians. I owe my decade long (modest) earnings and career to a company founded by a Jew and his tech. Irony is that, I never even thought about such origins till date. That is ( or was? ) the beauty of USA, incredible people and two-faced Politicians having their own selfish agenda.

‘What ho!’ I said.
‘What ho!’ said Motty.
‘What ho! What ho!’
‘What ho! What ho! What ho!’
After that it seemed rather difficult to go on with the conversation.

My Man Jeeves, PG Wodehouse

Currently Mr. Jeeve is on a trip which is as useful as him… for Palestinians and USA. What Ho Jeeve!

Prem Shankar Jha explains below on how Israel may never win the ethnic cleansing process with sandwich enclaves. Their only option seems to be mass displacement of native Arabs to Egypt and occupy the territory establishing a Proxy ruler.

If the current trends in population growth continue, Jews will become a minority in Palestine in less than 10 years. This could happen despite a recently noted rise in the fertility rate of Jewish women in Israel, because the immigration of Jews is bound to slow down in the coming decade, particularly if the violence now being witnessed in the West Bank and Gaza becomes a constant feature of life in Israel.

The Israeli far right’s dream of recreating ‘Eretz Israel’, a Jewish  nation that will encompass all the land that was inhabited by Jews in Biblical times, is therefore destined to fail because of the simple working of biology. Given this disparity in population growth rates, Israel’s current attempt to expand the Jewish domain by building apartment blocks and pressurising reluctant Palestinians to sell their properties in East Jerusalem, and by clearing Arabs out, enclave by enclave, from the West Bank, will be like trying to climb onto a train that is moving faster than they are able to walk.

It would therefore have been surprising if the failure of the strategy of “annexation by incremental occupation”, pursued by the Netanyahu government for the past 14 years, had not increased the attraction of a quick, genocidal war to push most, if not all, Arabs out of Palestine. Hamas’s October 7 attack, and the western world’s instant and unqualified condemnation of it, has given the Netanyahu regime the opportunity to contemplate such a ‘solution’. The forced emptying of north Gaza, the continued cut off of power and water supply to, and occasional bombing of targets in, the hugely overcrowded south, the reluctant renewal of water supply to parts of south Gaza only upon American insistence, and the continuing cut-off of electricity and blockade on food supply, are almost certainly intended to create a desperate humanitarian situation that will force Egypt to open its gates to the Sinai and allow the population of Gaza to pour in. Needless to say, once they are gone, Israel will never allow them back, so the ethnic cleansing of Gaza will be complete.

from Prem Shankar Jha @ The Wire

“It just showed once again that half the world doesn’t know how the other three quarters live.”

Much Obliged, Jeeves – PG Wodehouse

Cohen’s OMG Moment- How can you make me so intelligent by Birth… I am gonna hang myself Now!

The Spy Web Series explores the meteoric rise of Cohen to the level of possible Syrian Ministership, only to get hanged to death, without holding a gun or firing a bullet, a dumb Spy movie would want us not to believe in, on how a spy operates. Maybe MI6 spies wear a Tux and saying everyone around, “Here comes the womanising drunkard on rocks, working as part time Showstopper Spy!”, just like Rishi Sunak won his Nobel peas prize by establishing two state treaty, by visiting Israel. It’s quite ironic, Israel of late, is victim of its own over-smartness. Terrorist outfit Hamas was able to outwit Israel’s Aman, Mossad and Shabak and all other BS intelligence organizations, just like Israel’s own Spy did to Syria. Hamas was acting meek asking for work permits and other economic favours from Israel, to outwit it’s stupidly headstrong corrupt Leader Netanyahu, got carried over by his imagined Right wing Supremacy, like all dictators do, even when working under the guise of democracy – focusing on his failing attempt to subvert Justice System to hide over his “Unreasonable” Corruption, only enabling hamas unraveling its true face, cruelly unleashing a bloody heart wrenching massacre on Jews.

“A true agent has instinct, and that cannot be taught. He either has it or he doesn’t.”

The Spy Web series

One could easily imagine Netanyahu performing the Syrian President act in the Spy series for real, shell shocked by Eli Cohen’s treacherous betrayal, after Hamas terror. He did not help himself, by weakening Israel’s democratic institutions with Justice reforms, creating unrest among righteous Israelis, polarising the Jews who have shown utmost Unity throughout their violent history, placed either at giving or receiving end.

“Oh, This Guy’s A Lunatic. Oh, Look At That Psycho, He’s Going To Get Us All Killed.”

Hitler about himself in Jojo Rabbit Movie

Netanyahu’s fiery honeymoon with Hamas and Hezbollah, at Israel and Palestine’s expense.

Netanyahu could be the best ally Hamas or other terror outfits could have imagined, to bring themselves to relevance. Just imagine someone who is from the supposedly smartest race in the World, dissipating World’s sympathy and support gained due to the gruesome Violence inflicted on the Israelites, which could have been leveraged to neutralize the global Arab powers, helping Israel on the long run whitewashing their three quarter century long ongoing sins to Palestinians, instead choosing to his characteristic Palestinian hatred, effeminately waging a direct a war on Gaza civilians instead of targeting the terrorists with meticulous surgical strikes. If this would have happened in India like Godhra, it could have favoured Netanyahu, riding on the hatred and its powerful emotional quotient, but sadly seems does not work with Israelites, who are exhibiting admirable resistance on his democratic attacks and jewish extermism. Honestly, Israel deserves a better Leader, if they still stay true to their heritage.

An Israeli woman cries as she holds a photo of a woman who was kidnapped.

An Israeli woman cries as she holds a photo of a woman who was kidnapped. Photograph: Petros Giannakouris/AP

Karma – One thing about tables… They always turn.

Now, Israel’s Leadership is treating Hamas just like Eli Cohen deserved of Syria’s punishment for treason. Ironically, Cohen’s public execution only helped Mossad to gain a global Brand image of mythical proportions. Syria turned out to be a Government run by bunch of Jokers allowing Israel to operate at will under their factionally clogged nostrils. Israel is just going through the same scenario now, trying to blood-wash off their intelligence failure and shame to avert a crisis at homeland by killing innocent civilians at Gaza.

Here are some of the most recent images coming to us from Gaza from Guardian.

Members of the al-Zanati family killed in an Israeli strike on Gaza, are taken to a waiting vehicle to be driven to a cemetery for burial in Khan Yunis on Monday.
Members of the al-Zanati family killed in an Israeli strike on Gaza, are taken to a waiting vehicle to be driven to a cemetery for burial in Khan Yunis on Monday. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images
A Palestinian man arrives at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, Gaza after an Israeli strike.
A Palestinian man arrives at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, Gaza after an Israeli strike. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Anadolu/Getty Images
Wounded Palestinians receive treatment at al-Shifa hospital, following Israeli airstrikes on Gaza City.
Wounded Palestinians receive treatment at al-Shifa hospital, following Israeli airstrikes on Gaza City. Photograph: Abed Khaled/AP
A Palestinian child is brought to Nasser Hospital after an Israeli attack on Khan Yunis, Gaza on Monday.
A Palestinian child is brought to Nasser Hospital after an Israeli attack on Khan Yunis, Gaza on Monday. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Anadolu/Getty Images

“We’re Like You, But Human.”

The Jew in Jojo Rabbit Movie

Ok! but Savagely Animalistic when placed at the giving end.

Netanyahu’s “Why do I fall..? So that I learn how to make others fall by pulling their legs” Career Profile

Before we dive further on Netanyahu’s extremist atrocities, he has a track record of a Warrior who always wants to fight… but the problem being he always fought the bad fight and sometimes even when there is no fight. His career in IDF started with Yom Kippur War capturing large chunks of Arab land in six days and rescuing hostages. He has even lost his Brother to terrorism. His political career slowly progressed in early phases skyrocketed with opposing Oslo accords giving dignity to Palestinians and become PM soon after the assassination of then Israeli PM by a Jewish extremist, whose widowed wife blames Netanyahu and his counterpart for his death. Grain of Salt?

He ensured his Politics of Jewish Supremacy never got compromised so far and have always thrived on crisis like below.

In September 1967, a few months after the June war, Arab countries passed the ‘Three Nos’ resolution in the Khartoum summit — “No peace with Israel, No negotiations with Israel and No recognition of Israel”. In an indirect reference to the Khartoum resolution, Mr. Netanyahu later came up with his own policy of “Three Nos — “No withdrawal from the Golan Heights, No discussion of the status of Jerusalem and No negotiations under any preconditions.”

Arab countries have walked back on the Khartoum Nos. In 1994, a year after the first Oslo Accord was signed, Jordan reached a peace treaty with Israel. In 2020, four more Arab countries — the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan (where the Khartoum summit took place) and Morocco — normalised ties with Israel. But Mr. Netanyahu has not compromised on any of his Nos. On the other side, he tightened Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and enforced a crippling blockade on the Gaza Strip, which saw repeated, disproportionate Israeli bombardments in retaliation for rocket attacks by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.

Despite US displaying mad love towards Israel, Netanyahu never acted as a trusted Partner across his Prime Ministership. Its just his unethical mechanisms adopted at US political landscape utilizing his pitfalls and getting the super strong lobbies to work for his agenda is enabling him to steer US to his wild wishes so far.

Clinton has been an effective President maneuvering the Israel Palestine crisis to acceptable levels of peace with Oslo accords. But even Clinton could not rein on Netanyahu in his last phase of Presidency. Dennis Ross, U.S. President Bill Clinton’s peace envoy, then said “neither President Clinton nor Secretary [of State Madeleine] Albright believed that Bibi had any real interest in pursuing peace.”.

A beautiful picture of how American Big Brother Presidency could still achieve World Peace. Bill Clinton with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat at the White House in 1993. (Larry Downing / Getty)

Netanyahu was able to milk Bush administration to clamp down Gaza cutting the residents off their livelihood with fishing business citing smuggling and terror threats. He also shut down the Gaza Airport and even power Plant to make it a full fledged Prison. For Netanyahu 9/11 was a blessing in disguise and US was caught up in a shock and Islamophobia, enabling him to further oppress Palestinians, citing terror threats, with US blessings.

One day in the future, George Bush has a heart attack and dies. He immediately goes to hell, where the devil is waiting for him. “I don’t know what to do,” says the devil. “You are on my list, but I have no room for you. You definitely have to stay here, so I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’ve got some folks here who weren’t quite as bad as you. I’ll let one of them go, but you have to take their place. I’ll even let YOU decide who leaves.”

Bush thought that sounded pretty good, so the devil opened the first room. In it was Ronald Reagan and a large pool of water. He kept diving in and surfacing empty handed. Over and over and over. Such was his fate in hell. “No, George said. “I don’t think so. I’m not a good swimmer and I don’t think I could do that all day long.”

The devil led him to the next room. In it was Richard Nixon with a sledge hammer and a room full of rocks. All he did was swing that hammer, time after time after time. “No, I’ve got this problem with my shoulder. I would be in constant agony if all I could do was break rocks all day,” commented George.

The devil opened a third door. In it, Bush saw Bill Clinton, lying on the floor with his arms staked over his head, and his legs staked in a spread eagle pose. Bent over him was Konica. Bush took this in disbelief and finally said, “Yea, I can handle this.”

The devil said “OK, Konica, you’re free to go.”

Obama never had an easy relationship with Netanyahu. Netanyahu leveraged VP Biden to calm him off his atrocities meted out to Palestine. NY times states how Obama was pushed to the the level of letting down Israel at UN a very rare move in US history.

Mr. Obama’s decision on Friday not to block a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements laid bare all the grievances the two men have nursed since shortly after they took office in 2009. For Mr. Netanyahu, it was the final betrayal by a president who was supposed to be an ally but never really was. For Mr. Obama, it was the inevitable result of Mr. Netanyahu’s own stubborn defiance of international concerns with his policies.

The two sides did little to hide their mutual contempt. After talks led them to conclude that Mr. Obama would not veto the resolution, as presidents of both parties have done in the past, Israeli officials essentially washed their hands of the incumbent and contacted his successor in the wings. President-elect Donald J. Trump promptly put out a statement calling on Mr. Obama to veto the resolution.

When that ultimately did not stop the Council from acting, Mr. Netanyahu’s team expressed blistering anger at Mr. Obama. The Israeli official said. “The U.S. administration secretly cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme anti-Israeli resolution behind Israel’s back which would be a tailwind for terror and boycotts and effectively make the Western Wall occupied Palestinian territory.”

Trump enjoyed a split personality type relationship with Netanyahu, siding with Israel on their supremacist attitude against Palestinians and even to the extent of handing over the White House keys to his best Friend Netanyahu and officially declaring East Jerusalem as capital of Israel. Afterall Trump is a shining example of what Money could buy, even the mighty American Presidency. Trump played a major role in establishing peace treaties of Arab Nations with Israel when everybody ( of course, except Netanyahu ) said “Three Yes” to the orgasmic Corruption and selfish benefits it brought along forgetting Palestinians’ misery. Now, as a losing Presidential Horse with Netanyahu staying away from his miseries courting Biden and his corrupt relationship souring, Trump exposing his hostile face, spilled out how Netanyahu let him down on crucial stage.

“Israel was going to do this with us, and it was being planned and working on it for months,” he said about the coordination to kill Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force. “We had everything all set to go, and the night before it happened, I got a call that Israel will not be participating in this attack.” “Nobody’s heard this story before,” Mr. Trump said. “They didn’t tell us why. I’ll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down. We were disappointed by that. Very disappointed,” he said. “But we did the job ourselves, with absolute precision … and then Bibi tried to take credit for it.”

For Israel and his lobbying team, American Presidents are just Use and Throw placeholders, helping their cause. Its sad they have reduced themselves to that level of “swamp” as Trump rightly pointed out before his election and bathed in the same swamp during his Presidency. Now, Israel has come strongly against Trump. “We don’t have to bother with him and the nonsense he spouts,” Israel communications minister Shlomo Karhi said. Asked if Trump’s comments make it clear that he can’t be relied on, Karhi replied, “Obviously.”


Biden never talked about West Bank settlers and even brushed off the quantum of Palestinian deaths as just exaggeration of Hamas. It shows the grip Israel has with American establishment, treating them like a Puppet. Exactly, the reason why Obama or even Trump acted as better Presidents handling Netanyahu. I got no doubts Biden will suffer humiliation especially with Netanyahu, just like Obama or Trump once his utility got over, while walking a tightrope of balancing his reelection and aiding the genocide of Palestinians. It only shows one thing, Israelis are vile cold blooded negotiators who will go to any extent to play with any country’s system, breaking it down for their selfish benefits.

Netanyahu’s “Save your own Ass First” Strategy

Israeli Leadership might have a strategy behind attacking Palestinians, which they are doing well for decades to stamp on their supremacy. It might unite the Israelis divided under Netanyahu slow poisoning his own democracy, for selfish sakes. Netanyahu has so far refused to take any responsibility on the massacre so far, where he is genuinely responsible for focusing on his selfish agenda rather national security. He has remained silent to talk at opportune moment where euphoria could ran high…if at all… The War Cabinet is just another ploy to save his own ass if the Army fumbles on this Gaza invasion. He reminds me of Modi who takes all credit for good happenings but deflects and never answers when he is in hot soup, a characteristic of wannabe dictator caught up in a democratic framework.

The current blockade does not have a clear strategy to defeat Hamas. Infact, there are many unknowns like Hamas’ drone capacity along with the web of underground tunnels which could be claustrophobic with booby traps, playing to the psychological advantage of Hamas. The Air force raining bombs on Gaza strip just shows how cluelessly paranoid the IDF is. They have fired at Ambulances claiming Hamas militants were traveling. They bombed refugee camps imagining the underground network of Hamas got destroyed. All happened without even a shred of evidence with USA / CIA meekly supporting without drawing any red lines, like (s)cared husband adhering to his arrogant Wife’s irrational claims. It’s just plain optics / politics to soothe the hurt Israeli sentiments, raging with nerves of revenge, by starving and gifting the Palestinians a slow death, and instant death by raining bombs, but still clueless on uprooting Hamas and its terror counterparts, or even solving the immediate hostage crisis. One could see Israel putting up pathetic display of hostage families to gain sympathy of the world.

“Attila the Hun might have broken off his engagement to her, but nobody except Attila the Hun, and he only on one of his best mornings.”

PG Wodehouse

Good Bad-Bye Biden?

The open theater apartheid has the blessings of the West who once wanted to eradicate Jews from their part of the Planet, deeper down the history, and it’s not just Hitler, only coinciding as the wholesome full stop for such evil acts of terror and genocide. Sadly, Jews are now doing the same atrocities, they have painfully endured, to the poor Palestinians, without any remorse. More than the violent history, I never imagined Biden’s bloodlustness, acting like a stumbling Cowboy Bush, placing a misfiring pistol on Planet’s head. I have never witnessed mighty American Presidency getting treated by Israel like an idle couch getting soiled by mischievous kids. With all the dubbing of mighty voice of military power, Biden looks like a confused fused out Leader, who cant connect his own past and present.

Wonder if it’s the same Biden who wanted Saudis to pay the Price for Khashoggi in 2020 but found close ally in MBS. Why such bombastic campaign words when ultimately he is gonna be a fused out cracker with a meek sound.

Wonder if it’s the same Biden who wants to fight for Ukraine freedom but when it comes to Palestinians chooses to jail them as per the jewish lobby wishes. If Biden can’t differentiate between Hamas and Palestinians, can he at least distinguish between Democrats and Republicans, or go on extinguishing Democrats in Presidential race.

If I don’t run for president, we’ll all be OK.

Joe Biden

While Biden could be the right President making wrong decisions, as there is no other way to console ourselves, what is more disconcerting is the silence of the so called Democratic Socialist Saviours…. When they opened up they looked up to Israel to stop bombing Civilians, rather questioning their own President. If at all cowardly Israel did not bomb civilians like a mad racist Hitler, the question of ceasefire would not have been raised, making it a rightful fight between Hamas and IDF Forces. But Israel has declared a siege against millions at gaza just to conquer the 40K Hamas terrorists, targeting 25000+ targets in 30 days ( Just get your Maths done 25K Bombs for 40K Militants so far ) without any care for civilians out there, hitting all the essential services, including Water wells, communication companies and even Hospitals and Ambulances. This is completely intentional war crime, directly targeting Civilians instead of Hamas, as IDF is fully aware that they are not on the ground but hiding under the ground.

No nation should stoke instability in its neighbor’s country.

Joe Biden

What happens when you are not careful on what you wish for, even if you got an (American) genie on your back?

A gypsy man caught a golden fish And the fish said “Dear fisherman, if you throw me back in the water, I will grant you three wishes.”

The gypsy threw the fish back and went “I want to be white, I want to be 8 inches long and I want all women in the world to want me.”

Fish did it’s magic and the man turned into a sanitary pad.

If someone opines that, Biden on his worst day is Hundred times better than Trump, one could easily argue Trump on any day is thousand times better than a two faced Biden, treating civilians all around like getting rid off dirt on his shoes. Its the same Biden who proudly proclaimed that he was the one who opened up Rafah Border for trickling Humanitarian aid while showing up his grave-digger trait with War funds and warships to Israel. Even if Biden kept quiet like Trump used to do in warlike situations, Netanyahu will not be dancing on steroids on top of Palestinian dead bodies. Trump openly displayed his Islamophobia and White Supremacy ( When he himself looks like native red Indian in his mug shot. I am fine being called a Racist in this world where it’s perfectly gentlemanish to bomb unarmed people. ) to cater to the basal instincts of his supporters playing to the gallery. Biden is talking like a Poop err.. Pope, while in reality being a deadly murderer, toying with his military might and funds, to hide his inefficiencies and wrong decisions.

“A melancholy-looking man, he had the appearance of one who has searched for the leak in life’s gas-pipe with a lighted candle.”

PG Wodehouse

Wonder if it’s the same Biden who was an awkward peace maker withdrawing troops in Afghanistan but looking to bully in other parts of the Planet for contradicting reasons. Maybe he got points to score and settle after his illogical, hasty, haphazard and cowardly step back at Afghanistan, trying to shore up his floundering image through Ukraine and Gaza war.

Obviously, no wonder he is going through such a low approval despite the powerful democrat media lobby. If any individual does this, he could be deemed schizophrenic, but not USA and its President. Afterall, it’s the same Biden who sends Baby diapers to Palestine as Humanitarian Uncle while shitting on them by sending sponsored Fighter Jets and Drones to bomb Palestine and bullshitting the Public on his Saintly credentials. Where Biden excels is that, he trumped Trump on his opportunism on very issue he stood for during election as if flipping a pancake, maybe his best fit for retirement career. With all his vulnerabilities and war criminalities with so much successful murders on his Name all over the Planet, still carrying the coalition of democrats like a Trojan Horse, Biden may still win his Presidential race. But the real question is how tolerable will he be for world, ( forget about peace), with a supreme ego of “We’re US, for God’s sake!”, going on a rampage for every step he stumbles.

“Breakfast had been prepared by the kitchen maid, an indifferent performer who had used the scorched earth policy on the bacon again.”

PG Wodehouse

There is a democratic euphoria around their recent poll wins. Biden promptly washed off the opinion polls which washed him off, citing the latest election results. While the math of opinion polls don’t tally well where certain demographics did not back the Democrats surprisingly, there is other side to the small but streak of wins. Andy Beshear who got elected from conservative Kentucky stayed off even from uttering the Biden word. While the election results stands as a testament against Republicans trampling on American rights, it also rings warning bells to Democrats where things could be different for Presidential elections. Post pandemic challenges and Biden’s inert and bland Presidency could act as a deterrent to moderates and it may even spring a surprise of new Parties taking up major share of democrat votes. USA is at a cleavage phase where a new entrant could do more damage if he/she could enthuse as alternative to blabbering Biden or toxic Trump.

US-Israel love story is just like the below stuff of mad for each other love, driving the world insane…

A rich American falls in love with a gypsy woman…

He tells her he loves her, but she says she can only marry him if her father approves. The American goes to the father and tells him he would do anything for the hand of his daughter.

The gypsy wasn’t that eager to give her away, so he tried to find reasons not to.

He first tells the American – “If you want my daughter you have to buy her the best car there is”

To which the American says: – “If American loves, American buys.”

After the arab buys the house, the gypsy again tells him: -if you want my daughter, you have to build the biggest and nicest house there is –

If American loves, American builds “

And so he builds the biggest house ever. The gypsy was starting to get angry, so as an ultimate request, He says – “If u want my daughter, you have to have a 14 inch penis”

“If American loves, American cuts.

The bottom line is Biden has not excited his voters or made a compelling cause to re-elect him so far, with the actual economy not bailing him or voters out, which could also affect voter turnout. If he loses it won’t be his fault but that of Democrats who did not course correct their progressive movement with compelling Leadership or efficient PR disguised as content, just being content with petty victories. It’s easier to wash off consistent scientific polls where Biden’s approval rating is going down gradually as illogical prophecies. It’s much easier to brand Dean Phillips as Quixotic for his Presidential contest, where in reality he could be an outlier addressing the raging democratic faultlines, others afraid to talk openly. It’s easier to censure Rashida Tlaib for her open criticisms about Israel and Biden citing a lame slogan, but it may come back to bite Biden where the swing states just swing by few hundred votes.

US for so much to boast about its mighty military is only performing premature ejaculation – be it Afghanistan / Ukraine or other places like Iraq where it messed up after conquering. USA has an unenviable history of forgetting its own Presidents before George Washington, just because they did not contribute anything to the US History. It declared independence in 1776 while George Washington became President in 1789. Let’s hope atleast Google will remember Biden for all his failings and fumblings.

Don’t…. Dream Presidency, Work for it!

If at all Democrats look for another chance in 2024, they should first wake up from their slumber and illusionment of good governance, because with all their absurdities, they made Trump look like Socrates. More than war, which is just American Politicians’ side business as weapon brokers, Americans might look for economic rescue, by working the retail cartels, solely encashing on the Bidenomic doles, to make food and basic necessities even more affordable. I am not sure if Central Bank tuning economy or Democrat’s PR work on positive economy really helps or connect with voters like Supermarket prices. Price reduction could work better than reckless handouts which boosts Inflation further. Sometimes, modest Apple, Onion or tomato at higher price could do more damage than missiles. Inflation could be the democrat’s monster killer if they dont slay it in next few months. While obamacare inadvertently started as stigma but went on to become a nice brand, Bidenomics is just a topsy turvy PR work, touted as a Winner while failing at all sides with sagging perception dynamics.

“Intoxicated? The word did not express it by a mile. He was oiled, boiled, fried, plastered, whiffled, sozzled, and blotto.”

PG Wodehouse

The Palestine crisis is anyway going to blow out of proportions with Netanyahu, they may need the magic of putting a lid on Israel lobbies for now to stay clean and shore up their bases or atleast play act like Moderates with weeps and sobs here and there. Unless US / UN takes over control of Gaza, of course soon after few news cycles to soothe Israelis craving for revenge… soon after Netanyahu brings in fake issues like indefinite security at gaza, when in reality Israel is struggling to even capture Gaza and it will be a hot potato for anyone who wants to consume… soon after Dummy Biden, confused on which traffic light he is showing to Israel, play acting superior to Israel to convince the World and American voters of his Boss and Peace Maker credentials… soon after killing enough children to satiate Israel’s bloodthirst… soon after Israel declares that ritualistic win, when nobody knows what they have won except for the multiplication table they used to avenge their Massacre by killing innocents, that too from a meek air warfare, as if they are fighting Corona and not Hamas militants… Don’t even go near them… ( Maybe Israel could have uprooted Hamas by gifting those hapless Vaccines and its five or six booster shots. Hamas would have got tired like Guinea pigs suffering too many injections, making even their nemesis Israelis look good before those vaccines). If at all every above scenario happens sooner than later, Democrats may find it easier to shore up support in swing states, the rainbow coalition of races which ignorantly propped them up in 2020, hoping they are different from Republicans without knowing both are two sides of the same coin, funded by the same Israel Lobby Bank.

Its upto Biden if he assesses he could be that floundering contradicting but still a nice President at 84, beating the perception that he is getting babysitted by his handlers, maybe hire Stormy Daniels as Baby President-sitter for that glamour / quotient, just joking…. Jokes apart, personally I would adore a Yodha for President with wisdom rather a Rambo cut loose on military steroids. Unfortunately Biden’s army of handlers are doing a lackluster work, making him actually talk like Yodha, (Remember? “Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you…”) as if they are taking car of the President on vacation at Hawaii in an Old age home, burp around exporting bombs as if suffering from constipation. No… it’s not about stutters or physical weaknesses but the lack of clarity or assurance in his message, where even an armchair President could score well. They make take criticism from all corners with a grain of salt, but anyone worth their salt will not be acting in Hubris like Biden’s team, maybe his Presidency got too salty with all the blood acquired, that they are throwing up the Presidency itself, for there is something about salt… it just disappears in water unlike Blood on hands.

Biden Team’s indifference to the opinion polls, strengthens independent observers views that the Biden Administration is not even having open and good discussions on contentious issues. Biden’s approval ratings dropping down in slow motion for months just shows how lackasaidal team, they are so far. Perhaps, they might be hoping that Trump disappears from Presidency race with all his indictments, but it will only showcase Biden as another hapless person who can’t fight it out, instead choosing to bomb it out, just like Netanyahu and IDF, helping out the authentic Islamophobes – Republicans.

Donald Trump is in Berlin for his first state visit with Angela Merkel. Trump quickly asks what the secret of her great success is. Merkel tells him you just have to have a lot of intelligent people around you.
“How do you know so quickly if someone is intelligent?” asks Trump.

“Let me demonstrate.” She picks up the phone, calls Wolfgang Schäuble and asks him a question, “Mr. Schäuble, it’s your father’s son, but is not your brother. Who is it?”
Without hesitation, Schäuble answers, “Quite simply, it’s me!”
“You see,” Merkel tells Trump, “this is how I test people’s intelligence.”

Thrilled, Trump flies home, immediately calling Mike Pence, to ask him the same question. “It’s your father’s son, but is not your brother. Who is it?”
After much back and forth, Pence says, “I have no idea, but I will try to find out the answer by tomorrow!”

Pence just can’t figure it out and decides to seek advice from former President Obama. He calls him, “Mr. Obama, it’s your father’s son, but is not your brother. Who is it?” he asks Obama. “Easy, it’s me!”

Happy to have found the answer, Pence calls Trump and says triumphantly, “I have the answer, it’s Barack Obama!”

Trump rages and says, “No you jackass, it’s Wolfgang Schäuble!”

Democrats need to remember even Obama was struggling with a flailing economy during his reelection, but he had the support of the youth and progressives. Biden may need to act like an admirable adolescent in comedy shows if he could not repeat Clinton’s show-offs ( Fireside chats or Monika.. My darling type shows whichever suits well), or like Hipster Jesus or atleast good old Santa claus enthusing the youth with goodies. Currently, he looks like a Grandpa whom nobody will trust with their car key. Adolescent role is easier for him… anyway he is acting like juvenile with all his (l)ego wars and uttering baby faced awkward humanitarian comedies, while turning cities to graveyard. Sadly, wars don’t suit him like that Cowboy in ambush after that Iraqi disaster. The more he tries more he looks like a loser. Just satire guys.

There is only one cure for gray hair. It was invented by a Frenchman. It is called the guillotine.

PG Wodehouse

Michael Angelo, Albert Einstein, and George W. Bush die and end up at heaven’s gate…
Michael Angelo walks up to the gate and St. Peter tells him. “Listen, we have had some recent intruders faking who they were. Is there any way you can prove that you are the real Michaelangelo?”
Michael Angelo requests a board and he then proceeds to draw the most beautiful painting ever seen by St Peter.
St Peter tells him, “Congratulations! Welcome to heaven.”

Next comes Albert Einstein and St Peter proceeds to tell him the same thing. Albert Einstein asks for a board and starts explaining everything about his Theory of General Relativity. St Peter tells him, “Congratulations! Welcome to heaven.”

Lastly comes George W. Bush. St Peter tells him, “Listen George, Michael Angelo and Albert Einstein were both able to prove that they were who they said they were. What can you do to prove that you are actually who you say you are?” George goes on, “Who are Michael Angelo and Albert Einstein?”

St Peter sighs and says, “Come on in George.”

Liar… Liar… Pants on Petroleum Fire!

First I saw Biden on TV as VP nominee announced by Obama. It’s still memorable for an outsider. He looked so cool and impressive in his aviators like a Last bench Student still trying to clear the Presidential Exam. He was an amicable VP with a simpleton attitude to complex problems, an asset for a Politician. But what Biden was metamorphosed to now, is on the shades of George-Doubting-for-Nothing-Bush. Apart from sending uninhibited war aids and funds to support Israel’s massacre, what is more dangerous is his (im)moral backing of Israel’s atrocities, first brushing off the Palestinian civilian casualty count as exaggeration, hoping the pliant media will create a US-Democrat friendly narrative. Unfortunately for the Murderers of Gaza, all the lies got debunked. Hmm… day-dreaming Boss Babies in Internet era where fake News gets hushed off like Birthday Candles. The real problem is not Hamas, Osama or even Saddam Hussein, for nothing has changed even after their death / termination. The extremism has only grown taking various monstrous forms like mass shootings. Its time for the World to introspect and chart out a new Path to stay away from the Weapon merchants’ incentivized interventions who are using Arab land as Test laboratory for their weapons, making poor Arabs and pliant Israelis the guinea pigs.

Biden then steeled himself for further lies targeting Al-Shifa Hospital, stating Hamas is operating underground, as if Hamas’ version of Pentagon is down under. Even US engineers who built a miraculous Panama Canal, will find it difficult to build such sophisticated huge tunnels under such heavy structures. There is no denial, there will be tunnels connecting to Hospital for emergencies, of course with various other major connecting tunnels around, but Hamas operating its Pentagon precisely under Al-Shifa is nothing but a Quixotic quip shot. Unfortunately, it’s the public who are getting fooled. Al-Shifa is just a war episode, to clamp down the Independent Media using the Hospital as a Nerve center to dispense the truth, leveraging the only Internet working there. Israel has already bombed down the network infra of Gaza to restrict the information flow and depriving them of fuel. Also, it satisfies Netanyahu’s extremist ego that there is no place in Gaza he can’t touch, like he openly declared soon after taking control of the Hospital. Maybe there is just one thing he can’t do involving his own orifices or we just need to provoke his ego? Bet that Israel’s Hagari will take out US media for a Picnic to a Palestinian Children’s bedroom and show off the weapons used by the Child to annihilate Israel, once everything is staged well. How so Dangerous!

[ Update 21st Nov 2023.

By now Israel has already done the propaganda part of Hamas operating under Hospitals. It came up with a video of weapons captured from MRI room. Anyone who would have visited such test machines will be aware that they don’t even allow jewels as it works on the principle of magnetic resonance. Israel certainly needs an MRI check to diagnose its own blood lustness. Another propaganda video with a Mexican Israeli actress claiming Hamas in in Hospitals got busted. Maybe time to hire quality PR team that everything they tell Is-real. There was another video of Hamas militants taking up Hostages for treatment to Hospitals making rounds as a proof of Hospital as terror hub. Maybe IDF will take their wounded ones somewhere else rather to Hospitals for treatment. Seems Hamas is slightly more humanitarian than IDF in treating its victims gracefully. ]

Why should US and Biden lie before the entire world shamelessly partnering with Israel. It’s the same shameless reason why Bush similarly wanted to capture Iraq. It’s just that Texan oil Lobby replaced the vocabulary of secret ingredient with presence of WMD in Iraq, to fool common public. They did not have a governance plan then for Iraq nor even now at Gaza. Afterall, their wars are not for People or ideology but for Oil companies. It is same shameless reason why US is attracted towards Arab land for decades and fighting its factions keeping the regional unrest simmering – Petroleum.

After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Europe tried to secure alternatives to Russian energy supplies, and revived a Palestinian initiative to extract natural gas off the coast of Gaza. It was hoped that the $1.4bn project – involving the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Israel and Hamas – could launch gas production by March 2024. 

Such a project could have laid the groundwork for a win-win collaboration between the Palestinians and Israel. But as the Israel-Palestine conflict has dramatically escalated in recent weeks, that no longer appears to be on the horizon, with the project frozen for the foreseeable future. 

Instead, on 29 October, as the war continued with no ceasefire in sight, Netanyahu’s government awarded 12 licences to six companies, including BP and Italy’s ENI, for natural gas exploration off the country’s Mediterranean Basin area.

The new resources of oil and natural gas finds in the Eastern Mediterranean are valued at an astounding $524bn. However, according to the UN report, a significant portion of the those assets will have to be sourced from within the occupied territory of Palestine.

Its (war) economy Stupid!

Two thieves come to a village to steal from the richest guy. They go to the village temple Festival to assess the richness. conventionally Richness is usually measured by the first respects provided at the temple depending on the public clout or donations. Instead the thieves gather their intelligence by following up a Professional Sex worker in that village… on whom she wooes and pays attention. There is a colloquial saying, a professional sex worker eyes the Purse well than the Bulge. Though I am crude, this is a beautiful humorous scene in a movie, Thiruda Thiruda passing in few seconds but holds very well for Uncle Sam for its decades of violent history and his niche eye for natural resources around the World, standing up to its dubious and shameless name of Worldwide Wild West. One can easily understand the land is blessed with natural resources if US voluntarily gets involved as Uncle Sam got die-hard habit of placing himself in the middle of any richie rich swamp, acting like a gunslinging Global Bandit. US might be acting like a Saviour of Panama when their eyes are just on the Canal.

US handling of Palestine has a similar track record, where US saved the Israeli ass many times in the name of peace talks nudging Palestine on Forgive and Forget but encouraging Israel to misgive terror and beget land. The recent discovery of petroleum in Gaza only makes its natives suffer more with the conniving US. It is disgusting to write about the harsh vulgarity about the senseless violence, that too on a futile Jobless Job with zero outcome, because the privileged World does not care duly for Palestinian lives and it gets bitter day by day seeing wretched images and happenings reminding of brutal Israeli pest control just as their Minister quipped – “Human Animals”.

The Petroleum theory has weightage to it as the Israel extremist Government is keen on throwing Palestinians out through various forms of torture – Starvation, Violence and Bombing. Netanyahu does not seem to care at all for the hostages when the US mediates from his end through Qatar. Only time will tell the truth or expose their true intent of such brutality.

John Perkins in his Book, “Confessions of economic Hitman”, states this…

The United States spends over $87 billion conducting a war in Iraq while the United Nations estimates that for less than half that amount we could provide clean water, adequate diets, sanitations services and basic education to every person on the planet. And we wonder why terrorists attack us.

The United States made no secret of its desire to have the House of Saud bankroll Osama bin Laden’s Afghan war against the Soviet Union during the 1980s, and Riyadh and Washington together contributed an estimated $3.5 billion to the mujahideen. However, U.S. and Saudi participation went far beyond this.

In my opinion, the difference between the crusaders and us was a matter of degree. Europe’s medieval Catholics claimed their goal was to save Muslims from purgatory; we claimed that we wanted to help the Saudis modernize.

While Israel is essentially a geopolitical guinea pig for the Western world, to establish its presence in the Middle east, it has quietly transformed itself into a grey market weapon supplier of the World. Its major selling point being, tried and tested ( on Palestinians ) cutting edge weaponry, sold with least restrictions to many countries. Israeli weapon export figures have doubled over the past decade, totalling $12.5bn last year.

Over the years, the Israeli army has tested rubber bullets, artificial intelligence-powered robotic guns and various forms of crowd dispersal solutions, which have inflicted severe injuries on Palestinians.

Nabeel al-Shawa, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon who has worked in Gaza since 1978, treated many Palestinians wounded by Israeli firing on the Great March of Return in 2018 – when tens of thousands of Palestinians demanded they be allowed to return to the land they were forcibly removed from in 1948.

“For Israeli snipers, this was merely target practice with humans,” he said. “Most patients had been shot in joints deliberately to cause maximum damage, but not kill. “These new rounds the Israeli army used caused injuries I have never seen before. In some cases the limb appeared intact, however, during surgery, I could not distinguish between bone and soft tissue.”

“If a weapon’s main purpose is proven in the actual battlefield or in as near realistic circumstances as possible, then they are battle proven,” he said. “You cannot blame countries for buying from Israel. You can test all you want in a lab, but Israel is testing in the field, and as there are never any lags of time between one period of combat to the next, the development cycle is virtually in real time, said Zoran Kusovac, a geopolitical and security analyst.

Dr Ahmed el-Mokhallalati from the burn and plastic surgery division at al-Shifa Hospital, in an interview with the Toronto Star, described the wounds as “very deep – third and fourth-degree burns, and the skin tissue is impregnated with black particles and most of the skin thickness and all the layers underneath are burned down to the bone”. El-Mokhallalati said that these weren’t phosphorus burns, “but a combination of some kind of incendiary bomb wave and other components”.

The Israeli military has not commented so far on the statement made by Gaza’s Ministry. But the mystery incendiary bombs, the Iron Sting’s debut and the reported use of the new Spark drone in the current war suggest that Israel is once again testing new weapons in conflict.

“Israel’s weapons will continue to remain attractive to international buyers based on performance in the occupation,” Loewenstein said. “But Israel is not just selling weapons; they’re selling the ideology to other countries – of getting away with it.”

Back to the bloody blog… If Netanyahu commits palestinian genocide in the name of “Right to self Defense” so did Hitler on Jews. While we may hate Hitler rightfully by making Schindler’s list / Jojo Rabbit, wonder in what way Holier-than-Hitler-Netanyahu and his staunch ally USA doing to Palestinians is a lesser crime than jewish genocide of the past, by denying them everything required to live? They have just turned the Gaza strip, previously an Open air Prison to an open air Gas chamber by just cutting off supplies with an inhuman siege, without caring for the lives out there. Wonder how much of Israel’s sob videos would be able to wash their sins off, arrogantly happening under broad daylight.

Children in Gaza injured after Israeli air raids

Palestinian children injured in Israeli air raids are being treated at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, October 24, 2023 [Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images]

“What more provocation is required.. than what Israel has done to the Palestinian people for three-quarters of a century?”

Saudi Prince Turki

When Being a Dick is not making it any bigger.

What Netanyahu did post unforgivable terror act by Hamas is even more unforgivable. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s sentiments of this exchange of violence between the magnificent races. But… But, let’s go through the history and absurdities of Jews and their bloodline brotherhood, the Christians and Muslims as violence only begets irreverence. They are all supposed to be descendants of Abraham. Abraham went through a lot in his life, Circumcision at 99 and fathering kids in his 90s, first testing on his maid and then doing his impregnation experiments with his Wife. The Maid ‘s descendants are supposed to be the Arabs and his wife’s descendants are Jews who got divided further into Christians, as Jesus was more interested to work on the Jews rest day – Shabbat and Jews could not digest him changing their “sanatana” conventions. Maybe it’s just a Palestine property war among the sons. But, why so bloody? Wonder what Abraham would be thinking from heavens, all such hardships of procreation for this, to perform cruel family planning / erasure with Rockets? Get a life Guys!

“As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.”

– Bible Genesis 17

Maybe God could have cautioned on the grim future of his descendants, so that Abraham refrained himself, taking pain or pleasure to create those good for nothing fighting Kings. What is the point in (pro)creating something for nothing. Sometimes, I wonder if the God and his three Messengers – Moses the Jew, Jesus the Jew turned Christian and Nabi the founder of Islam, got to save themselves from Us – The barbaric Humans of AI era sitting like ducks on ticking atomic bombs, maybe waiting for AI to trigger them.. thinking of Good riddance or just a barbeque party at AI cyber ville! Wonder what happens if AI starts hating humans like Hitler hating Jews or Jews hating Palestinians. Having successfully screwed up all the ten commandments, for the fake sake of Jerusalem, maybe the revised Jewish first Commandment should read, Thou shall not kill God in the name of Humanity by killing Humans! Hopefully AI will learn to respect Divine messengers but stop short of doing its own Crescent-Crusade unholy war.

Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways, for the Lord detests a perverse man but takes the upright into his confidence.

Jewish proverb

Apart from Gods and Messengers, Gandhi’s simple “An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.” explains the consequences on terror whether sponsored by countries or rabid outfits. USA is insufferably dealing with domestic terror while making sin money with lucrative weapon deals. Unfortunately, it seems we are already blind enough to realise the deep $hit we are into.

When Brahmanical-Jewish Supremacy become conjoined twin.

Sadly but also funnily, some Op-eds of Israeli origin talk about how they were massacred by Hamas, unprovoked, as if they were new born without any baggage of sins. Remember persistent and immoral occupation of Palestine throwing the treaties to bin, slowly deprive them of even basic facilities like Airport or electricity Plant or even Fishing Business casting them as terror threats, degradation of Palestinians to an Open air prison restricting their movements and occupation, rendering them as substandard humans, depriving them economically, military and settler induced violence and finally corrupting the Palestine Authority and Hamas to keep them enslaved to Jewish terror. If they are still suffering with selective amnesia, they can depute Wonder Woman to screen the bloody history of Palestine and their robbery in broad daylight for a century on how they captured Arab lands through Jew Land Banks and driving the Arab inhabitants out to draw a disproportionate border by pocketing colonial Britain’s lawmakers and if that’s not enough, rewind to recent history of slow steal of Arab Land like relishing cheese sandwich, bite by bite… just to enlighten the Israelis of what they have done to Palestine.

40 Gypsies arrived at heaven’s Pearly gates.
St Peter said “we’ve only got room for 12. So decide among yourselves who is coming in.
Five minutes later St Peter says to God, “They’ve gone.”
God says, “What, all 40 of them.?”
St Peter says, “No ..the fcuking gates!”

Apart from the stealy innocence of Israel, their Op-eds accuse Indian Congress and others – ideologically non-aligned to their Supremacist hate crimes, as Vote politics, appeasing Muslims. Don’t know how Indian Muslims will get related themselves to Palestinians, as they dont bind together by bloodline or race. If religion is a binding factor like our Barbaric history, one can’t sense any equality or belongingness in the Arab world for Indian expats, just being poor secondary labour force, unlike democracies like US.

“I was in Gaza last week, visiting a school sheltering thousands of people. It was heart-breaking. Children who used use to learn and laugh in this school, today they plead for a piece of bread and a sip of water.”

Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA

When Arab countries like UAE and Bahrain allied to Israel and profess open love for their expansionist cause and Palestine as their Parking Lot, treating Palestinians like puppy caught on the wheels, wonder how someone could bind distant Indian muslims to Palestinian cause, unless, the linking factor could just only be Humanity and righteous choice of voicing support for someone who have been plundered and rid off their homeland to suit the new Camel in the Palestine tent driving out its original inhabitants. Wonder why such Op-Eds don’t question USA’s appeasement politics, which has a larger population of Jews and Biden is bending Head over Heels to stumble at the feet of Jewish Lobby and Vote bloc. Because it suits their sweet talk and smooth slay election Politics?

“The atrocities perpetrated by Palestinian armed groups on 7 October were heinous, brutal and shocking, they were war crimes — as is the continued holding of hostages. The collective punishment by Israel of Palestinian civilians amounts also to a war crime, as does the unlawful forcible evacuation of civilians. The lifeline has been unjustly, outrageously thin”

Volker Türk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

A recent blast in Kerala at Minority convention is getting diverted by BJP with communal agenda, calling it as appeasement politics of Congress and Communists. New India envisioned by BJP-RSS is a mimic of current Israel, slicing up the Minorities and gobbling up the majoritarian hate towards them, in the name of God and Religion. They got a Place of worship issue in common Ayodhya / Jerusalem to make a living out of it. Maybe God never lives in their sacred hearts. They got people to hate while carefully summing up the Majority to their side. They have their most self-loved supremacist attitude like Twice borns descending from Brahma’s head – Chosen children of God theory. There is no point on betting on a fact – hatred has its limits and saturation with expiry date, especially when the saffron Politics is all about making hatred hay while New India burns. No wonder India under Modi has changed its stance towards supporting Israel abandoning Palestine’s cause. New India is nothing but, Israel’s camel in the Palestine tent replaced with a holy cow in a Minority tent.

Every year, the highest number of killings of children by any of the actors in all the conflicts that we witness is the maximum in the hundreds. We have in a few days in Gaza thousands and thousands of children killed, which means there is also something clearly wrong in the way military operations are being done.

Antonio Guterres, UN Chief

The Pathetic sign of our times is that the UN supposed to the Jury of such tussles is doing an helpless open commentary just like any Nilly-Willy like me could do on social Media. Either UN works in cahoots with Israel+USA, just lending a soothing moderate voice rather being a silent witness to all inhumanities or it’s just a powerless dummy entity where the World will be a better place even without it. If just one country could veto against rest of the World, UN should atleast make that country bear the responsibility of repercussions rather doing hapless social commentary. What is the point in serving Justice when the damage is already done, and the cycle of violent struggle keeps on happening.

If Ukraine war led us the trend of Drone wars, Hamas to a different trend of terrorism and abduction, what Israel has opened up to the world is a very dangerous trend of killing children and civilians, matching up to the one and only… Hitler. These new trends will affect USA and Ukraine war more than Israel or Palestine, as Israel has pushed boundaries of the war crimes and emerges unscathed. as Zelensky has warned. Let’s see if the West still wears the rose tinted glasses if it is Ukraine. Afterall, there should be an iota of difference between Terrorists / Occupiers and sovereign elected democracies. Else, so called terrorists look good, just by provoking supremacists.

Can’t caption it!
At a hospital in Khan Yunis, located in the southern Gaza Strip, on October 24. | Photo Credit: MAHMUD HAMS/AFP

OK! back to the Israel model of Supremacist governance in India… Apart from all above similarities, Modi makes use of the present Netanyahu’s racist Israel model for establishing and strengthening their Majoritarian government. For example, Israel never tries to capture a country / Government. Their understanding is pretty simple. Any mighty Government is nothing but a handful of pliable Lawmakers and resourceful Influencers ( Lobbies ). They dont waste time on the streets but only at the high offices as high profile negotiators, hijacking Governments. The Balfour declaration from the Britain, vouching for a Jewish nation, stands as an example how Jews make use of the Lawmakers to suit their purpose with appropriate incentives. If you are not convinced, just ask yourself why would present USA offer Israel with yearly aids and multifold wartime aids? The ultimate winner of American elections are Israel’s AIPAC lobby, irrespective of Democrats or Republicans, as they spend 30 Billion USDs as bipartisan election fund in 2020 elections. One could see very similar takeover of the India by the minority RSS Brahmanical supremacists, just capturing handful of local lawmakers if they fail on winning on their Majoritarian cause. Israel is the only country to invite Modi just after the brutal Godhra riots when the western world blacklisted him. Unethical spying, Corrupting the Influencers and Buying Lawmakers are part of copied Israel’s template. BJP’s rule is nothing but a combination of fascist model for propaganda and Netanyahu’s Israelist Model for crooked governance.

Even RSS-BJP’s foreign policy and influence is a template copy of Israel’s foreign Policy. TheHindu article explains how Israel has giant size influence over American Government with just 3% population as Jews.

AIPAC-linked pro-Israel groups are a massive source of campaign funding for American politicians, totalling over $30 billion in 2020, which means that unless a candidate comes from a wealthy background, whether or not she toes the line set by AIPAC could have a significant impact on her political future. To avoid the disclosure requirements and restrictions associated with being designated as a ‘foreign agent’, it was incorporated in 1963 under its current name, as an organisation managed wholly by prosperous Jewish-Americans.

AIPAC has followed a three-pronged strategy since its inception. Firstly, it has focussed on developing a vast number of grassroots activists — a methodical outreach that today extends beyond Jews to evangelical Christians, Afro-Americans and Latinos. Numbering more than 3 million according to its website, these activists are organised into ‘caucuses’ who meet their Congressional representatives, talk to them, and assess them on their pro-Israel agenda, helping to profile every political contender on the basis of their stance on Israel.

Today, military, financial and political support for Israel is the lynchpin of America’s West Asia policy. As American political scientists John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt explain in their book, The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, such unconditional support may have made sense during the Cold War when Israel was a bulwark against Soviet influence in the region. But the Cold War has ended, and with it, so has any geopolitical justification for unconditional military aid to Israel, which runs to about $3.8 billion a year, making it the largest beneficiary of American largesse.

The old consensus, that the prime obstacle to regional stability was the Israel-Palestine conflict, and resolving it was the key to securing Israel’s security and a sustainable peace, which drove successive American Presidents, including George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, to pressure Israel to stop settlement expansion in the occupied territories, has given way to a new one — that the biggest threat to Israeli security and regional stability is Iran. This new narrative has been accompanied by calls for dishing out to Iran the same treatment as was meted out to Iraq. AIPAC has been instrumental in building this consensus, which has clear gains for Israel: it keeps the tap of U.S. military aid open while foreclosing any let-up in U.S. involvement in the region, regardless of the ‘pivot to East Asia’ announced by the Obama administration.

One could correlate how RSS hijacked Tulsi Gabbard and others even pushing them to contest for American Presidency, with similar AIPAC methodologies. Iran is the new Bogeyman for USA lawmakers, so that they don’t worry about Netanyahu’s trample of Palestinians. One could observe paranoid arguments about Iran from American lawmakers now, rather answering about the Massacre happening at Gaza in the name of War. One even wanted a war on Iran, maybe too much hummus does a lot of damage to thinking, especially to a puppet of AIPAC parroting its message. Rashida Tlaib gets isolated out here because Palestine don’t have any such lobbies nor run payrolls to Lawmakers like AIPAC. If at all only US Politicians who are not nourished by Israel lobbies are allowed to speak against Rashida Tlaib, I bet it would be deadly silence.

Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him and he sat down and began to teach them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery; and making her stand before all of them, they said to him, ‘Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?’ They said this to test him, so that they might have some charge to bring against him.

Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ‘Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone against her’. And once again he bent down and wrote on the ground. When they heard it, they went away, one by one, beginning with the elders; and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus straightened up and said to her, ‘Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?’ She said, ‘No one, sir’. And Jesus said, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again’.

– Bible The woman threatened with stoning / John 7:53-8:11

Iran might be the instigator behind the Hamas and Hezbollah. But what is the root-cause of such brutal resistance? Why people polarise towards Hamas like terror organizations? When people of India got emotional about Kashmir and its nemesis Pakistan, it got relatively calmer during Manmohan Singh regime. He just improved its economy and meaningful infrastructure along with limited autonomy opening more avenues for income and most importantly an occupation so that people are productive rather destructing with war. Frustrated Pakistan had to incite India with Mumbai terror attacks then. Iran knows very well if it repeats the work of Pakistan, it will doom by itself collapsing on its inefficiencies, following Pakistan’s history. So, Iran will not confront USA directly knowing consequences. So far Iran backed forces have not calibrated any assaults to induce human casualties to the US Military force. Their vily tactic is to just frustrate the forces keeping them on edge.

In a 2023 report, U.N agencies estimated that 58% of Gaza Strip residents required humanitarian assistance with 29% of Gazan households living in extreme or catastrophic conditions, the top two tiers of severity, against 10% in 2022.

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says food assistance is required by 1.3 million people. More than 90% of water in Gaza is unfit for drinking, the Palestinian Water Authority says.

Gaza’s unemployment rate is among the highest in the world, according to OCHA. The jobless rate stands at 46%, and is higher still among youth at around 70%, latest data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics says.

These are conditions of Gaza before the Hamas attack. The Gaza residents are not allowed for free travel across the border exits. If they would have been allowed to work free in Arab countries, the issue would not have been this grave. Hamas could not have recruited so many of them, as they say an idle mind is Devil’s workshop. It’s actually Israel’s decades of ill doing, keeping Palestinians impoverished, spawning terrorist cells for their own detriment.

Moreover, If America is against Iran because of its funding to Hamas, it may also need to fight Netanyahu’s Israel as it was part of his strategy to fund Hamas and keeping their revenues unchecked, so as to keep the Arab land polarised and isolated with Hamas acting as counterweight for West Bank Fatah / PLO. Netanyahu did deliberate funding despite many uprisings from Gaza. Apart from insignificant skirmishes from Iran / Israel, America’s main challengers will be Russia and China Axis, need to be restrained to put off Iran. Financing and arming Israel to take care of Iran, as Israel pitches in the Boogeyman Iran, is following Law of diminishing returns for USA. It has not worked for long and much worse than Afghanistan. Their geopolitical ally is only keeping America in hot seat with skirmishes across borders for their expansionist cause. Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and Biden’s talks on hostages reined in Iran better than fighting them with Israel. I maybe a fool to say Iran is not a big deal in gaza crisis, but the root cause of unemployment and impoverished economy combined with Israel’s oppressive apartheid regime.

“We are seven families. All of our houses are gone. Nothing is left. We couldn’t take anything — no clothes, no water, nothing. The way here was very difficult. If something falls, you are not allowed to pick it up. You are not allowed to slow down. Dead bodies everywhere.”

A Gaza Resident

Coming back to the Hezbollah, it has clearly stayed away from the war even with its calculated stance coming up only after a month of carnage in Gaza. Hezbollah is the first Arab military force to make Israel go for a strategic retreat. As Trump mentioned they are the smartest among all the fighting groups. It clearly wants to keep the border simmering to engage the Israel army else would be fighting in Gaza in full force. At least it knows when to fight a war and when not to. Hezbollah is the interesting case of how militant Organizations, if empowered with political power could be a positive force, restraining from War. Iran is doing a similar strategy to engage the US forces in Iraq by just jarassing them. Again, Iran could be that Villain who tries hard to be a Villain, but the root cause of Hamas and Hezbollah is not Iran, but Israel’s occupation and aggression, going on unchecked with the blessings of the West and silent spectatorship of UN.

Back to the similarities between the Right Wing extremist Israelis and Indians, If any criticism of Israel gets characterized as Anti-semitism, any criticism of BJP is (il)legally branded as Anti-nationalism gets oppressed with colonial times sedition laws. India’s Modi is just playing the China card with USA, just like Israel playing the Iran card, so that he gets a freehand on his trample of human rights and muzzling Press freedom. The ongoing Joke here is that Modi has not even pronounced China word when they ate away Indian LAC and sided with Russians on unfair occupation, but for USA, India is the antidote to China.

“Our Only Friends Are The Japanese And Just Between You And Me, They Don’t Look Very Aryan.”

Jojo Rabbit Movie

Having said the negatives, India PM Modi has strongly condemned the deaths of civilians in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. A welcome move along with India’s commitment to a running Joke called as Palestinian Two State Solution where only one State parasites on the other. India could have been pressured from the Arab world, but acts much better with independent stance, than the West and US’ blind approval for war crimes with justifications of fabricated beheadings and burning to elevate the pitch for brutal Justice for Israelis.

What Israel could have done better?

A massacre of any race, is wrong by any means but the cutting edge Israel, spying the whole world while building an iron dome for themselves, does not understand Newton’s third law. Maybe according to them all evil actions from them will never lead to equal and opposite reaction as they were specially chosen ones of a superior God. But reality always bites. Israel should have ideally played a wait and watch game with Hamas, perfected an agenda and gone for a shock and awe surgical strikes which has been a minimally invasive strategy of modern warfare.

Genius is patience.

Isaac Newton

I am not a defense specialist but as an observer, any instant Justice amounts to injustice and sometimes madness. Israel will go through more consequences and destruction with the open urban warfare in Hamas Playground designed and built for a decade. It’s common sense, Hamas or any other weak terror outfits, having nothing to lose on this war, waiting out for moments like this, craving for retribution, will be more lethal than Israel, recovering out of shock and rage and fighting on compulsions. The war may end once Israel could boast of sucking out gallons of Palestinian blood as payback, settling up on a truce with hostages. But, for outfits like Hamas, simple victories are more than enough to grow further in future, giving a bigger headache than now. They have already won the perception game.

There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.

Sun Tzu, Art of War.

Israel is giving Palestinians a bigger score to settle with them. When US and Israel jointly says, its avoiding another Hamas attack with their Bombing and whatever bloodlusty logic they hold, they are only ensuring yet another attack. It’s not me but… History says so. Israel has suffered more casualties with each and every attack though it has paid back in multiples. The crux is that, the cycle is not ending for Israel. Hamas might already have an escape strategy with the border at Egypt and sea, in case they get pinned. So, sanitized Gaza could be left empty for a puppet Leadership to take over. But Israel might have just relocated the battles, as the root cause of Hate keeps growing somewhere else…

Right Wing extremists / future Netanyahus might be replacing Hamas with maybe Hummus terror group, helping them grow with aids, hoping to divide the Palestinians only to fight it out when it bears the poison fruit. The root cause of this issue is that Nature has in abundance for anyone who is in need but not enough even for one man’s greed. Such greedy conquests never end. For example, India’s Right Wing Party BJP, made a sensation out of building a Ram temple in the place of a Mosque. Once they achieved it now they are looking for more sensational religious issues to capitalize upon. Right Wing Politics is like TV reality shows, once you are hooked to an absurdity or evil show-off, the show makers struggle a lot to beat that shock by feeding us more crap which yields TRP leading to more money. Greed is the only thing going green in our entire Planet.

Do not plot harm against your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you.

Jewish Proverb

Jews’ time tested asset is their intelligence displayed throughout history is to wait and watch, build up, equip with resources and pounce when the opportunity arrives. They have won their wars and dominated the world when they played wait and watch with their vileness. They have failed every time they thought they could dominate the world openly. They did not participate even in crusade-crescent war, though they had ancient understanding with Nabi / Islamists to resist and fight enemies together, but never followed the agreement. They never defended or fought for Jerusalem as if it was Islam ruler’s duty for last few centuries. In second World War, they played well along all sides of Axis and Allied for free Israel, as Spies and Warriors and clinched the prize. Unfortunately, they have become very dramatic with the power and stature accumulated over last century, powered by the USA fuelled by its jewish lobby. Sadly, It’s always their historical cycle to peak up and then very sadly… lose the momentum.

What goes up must come down….

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.

Isaac Newton’s Quote Combo

Maybe global warming / Planet destruction will not happen with assholes firing Rockets and Bombs but only through the Cattles’ assholes emitting methane, reasoning just like Israel treating Palestine like a cattle class. Maybe it’s time to screw Mars, with a visionary paywall to defecate and all to make Melon Musk richer and Mars shittier! When life gives you lemons…make lemonade, drink it and make sure you pay Musk for relieving it. Right now, Poor guys can choose to blog soon to be renamed XXX rather tweet on X.

“You Were Chosen By A Pathetic Little Man Who Can’t Even Grow A Full Mustache.

The Jew in Jojo Rabbit Movie

To Bear(d) or not to Bear(d)…

This is an era of World Leaders – Bushes, Netanyahus and Bidens, who are fully shaved and more lethal than Hitler and assholic enough to save their asses by raining rockets on their perceived enemies, opening up more fixed deposit account / future landmines like Hamas, Al-Qaeda, ISIS etc, exploding on our Kids… and this is happening for centuries. If these Leaders feel itchy… ideally, they should fire their sophisticated rockets and shove it to their own Bush / ass, kissing it with an Ode to Rockets – “Darling! You got nowhere else to go.”

The Biden-Blinken comic duo might have restrained Israel to an extent, but they are wholly responsible for making it a Frankenstein monster or present, without checking its occupational excesses and battles. They are just making the one who grabs by whatever, look like a straightforward Holy saint. On his stormy days, he just played inky-pinky-ponky rather stealing land and souls. Though he acted like the concubine of Netanyahu, handing him over the key to the White house, at least there were no such crazy acts of genocide-on-slow-motion on his rule(?), especially when the western world powers at present, are watching it with rose tinted glass of self defence by killing neighbours.

“If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?”

Do(it)Land Trump

Just like the above quote, Trump’s madness got a method to it, however undermining it was on diplomacy / empty pride, exhibiting some rational / corrupt business goals, catering to the basal instincts of his admirers and voters. Trump was essentially a businessman keeping the stakeholders happy many times with just lip-service. Just imagine Mexico paying for a shiny wall built by USA, well one can’t even imagine someone else pay to build his/her fence. But Republicans and his supporters took his hypothesis like a cake, a situation which can only arise if Mexico is doing far better in living standards than USA, trying to restrict Americans entering their country. Wow! So Shiny!

2 Trump Supporters go to heaven St. Peter greets them at the Pearly gates and asks if there is anything in the universe they’d like to know before meeting God.

The fist guy asks, “What was really in Hillary’s emails?” “Nothing incriminating really”, replies St. Peter.

The other guy turns and whispers, “Wow, this goes higher than we thought.”

With Biden-Blinken Duo it’s more like every method or their decision explodes to madness, deepening the crisis and aggravated by their cluelessness on handling it. Maybe if Trump was content playing golden shower water Olympics at Petersburg, Putin’s ego could have been pampered enough to leave Ukraine to live in peace, imagining he has pocketed the President of USA. With all Biden’s NATO BS carrot for Ukraine, he just ensured a costly war. All these egoistic eggheads, disguised as World Leaders need is sense of world supremacy and tend to fight, when they sense a semblance of danger to their utopian pride.

My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.

I look very much forward to showing my financials, because they are huge.”

McDonald Trump’s Quote Combo

Trump’s love letter to Netanyahu, recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel, resulted in angering Palestinians, but what the deadly Pissidential duo of present, brought down on us is a reckless siege blinded by wrath enabling genocide with Blinked-in shamelessly and staunchly declaring his ethnic love towards Israel, however wrong they are, giving them a blank cheque for all future atrocities, as if all Humans other than Jews are non-humans. More than Israel, US’ sad state of political affairs with majority of Jews at the helm, controlling the puppet show, could get more concerning. No doubt Hamas terrorist activities need to be eradicated, but not by creating a “Terrorist Israel State” reminiscing of how it originated as independent State through terror and violence, displacing native Arabs who far outnumbered Jews then.

Dissecting the Joe’s Jonah – Trump

To be fair to Biden, all the International crisis was not his own making. But he equally fumbled on his warring steps. Guardian’s another side of the perspective, where Trump is always the western Media’s “Stable Genius”, but they will never declare Biden as the distinguished “Saviour of Cemeteries”, quoting many of the crisis we are into are of Trump’s making, like his secret talks with Putin or open love for Netanyahu giving away Jerusalem as if its his Trump tower. While the arguments have substance, the larger difference between Trump and Biden arises out of the lack of World Supremacist Mindset of Trump. He was generous on his praises to dictatorial world leaders which might have calmed their nerves especially when uttered from the pedestal of American Presidency. That’s how Jews rule this world with sweet words and deadly lobbying. More than that, Trump single handedly stopped blowout of war with Iran, to avoid casualties.

He called off a planned military strike against Iran because it would have been a disproportionate response to Tehran’s downing of an unmanned U.S. surveillance drone, adding that more sanctions have been imposed.

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights (sic) when I asked, how many will die,” Trump wrote in a series of morning tweets. “150 people, sir, was the answer from a General”. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry.”

I don’t know the inner workings or calculations, but Trump despite his own weaknesses and soft corner for greed and corruption, has always ensured a bloodless diplomacy. Only Trump and Obama were able to address on the actual Donkey in the room – Israel with their “Pivot to East Asia”, rather making Iran as No.1 enemy to suit Israel’s agenda. Compare it with Blinken crying hoarse on Iran now, when gaza is under fire, even when they are not directly involved. There are rumours that even Hamas political wing was not even aware of the Al Qassam brigades’ ruthless attack. But for Blinken Iran is the root cause. Just another parrot parroting AIPAC’s message. Trump was also a refreshing change of Leadership from Bush-Biden types who always pushed missile button whenever they were in doubt of their might. The western media has always bent towards democrats however traitful they were due to their vested interests.

Trump and Biden tied in a hypothetical 2024 matchup:
poll 5% for Biden, 5% for Trump, and 90% said, “God no!”.

Compared to Trump, Biden actually has not displayed any leadership traits so far, acting like a dumb Trojan horse operated by the representation of the hidden lobbies with contrasting interests. Let’s dig further… Biden need not have pulled out the troops from Afghanistan, just because of Trump’s peace deal, but he chose an abrupt withdrawal where no one except himself could be blamed, irrespective of whoever acted as proxy President. His irrational decisions seeded the big bang effect on World unrest happening now.

Retired Rear Adm. Mark Montgomery, now senior director of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies’ Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation, says what he called Biden’s myopic approach ( on Afghanistan troop withdrawal ) resulted in the president shutting out critical warnings.

“In the face of significant pushback from the senior military advisers, he overrode all their concerns and recommendations, and executed an absolutely catastrophically bad policy,” he argued in an interview with ABC News.

“He clearly has foreign policy bonafides. But with this president, there’s a blind spot,” Montgomery said, maintaining that attitude has now seeped through the ranks. “I do not believe that they are willing to have an open transparent discussion of what went wrong.”

The perception of calamity in Afghanistan has amplified the need for the United States to succeed in other theaters.

There are no exaggerations with Montgomery’s views. Biden assured Ukraine NATO membership in 2021, only to go for his characteristic flip flop to reverse his judgement in 2023 after the ongoing cruel war, that Ukraine is not ready for NATO membership yet, with his earlier statements resulting in Putin’s uneasiness with Ukraine as lurking danger. On the contrary, Trump cancelled the whole war scare with his uneasy relations with Zelensky citing his complicity with Bidens. Immediately after October 7th massacre, Biden’s knee jerk reaction of sending Big Boy warships to Israel, without evaluating the situation, emboldened Netanyahu to go for his long cherished dream of Palestinian genocide, even when he did not enjoy better terms with Biden compared to Trump.

One of the things I’ve never been accused of is not caring about people.

Joe Biden

Two Trump supporters die and go to heaven God meets them at the pearly gates and asks if they have any questions.

One of them says, “Yes, what were the real results of the 2020 election and who was behind the fraud?”

God says, “My son, there was no fraud. Biden won the electoral college fair and square, 306 to 232.”

After a few seconds of stunned silence, the one guy turns to the other and whispers, “This goes higher up than we thought.”

While such ‘Peace Lover Biden’ image is getting created by the Media, let’s also keep in mind that, VP Biden had a bigger hand in pacifying Obama, when he sought to stop the illegal Jew settlers in West Bank. President Biden sent unconditional war funding to Israel, while doing lip service of Humanitarian pause at Gaza. Media states… With all his two faced talks, Poor Biden is just a Mannequin PM with his levers getting controlled somewhere else. Why would Netanyahu care for hapless White-house-keeper when he got the keys with Blinky Winkies, who call the actual shots. Confused on which media theory to buy? Me too! Because, all in all Biden embodies a mess of contradictions, catalysed by a deprecated supremacist attitude seeking to restore the world order and vested interests. Nobody really bothers on American Supremacy nowadays. For, America’ supremacy does not lie in its military might but in its exceptionalism, its marvelous innovative free culture.

How do you get Donald Trump to change a lightbulb?
You tell him Barack Obama installed it.

If Israel helped US save its image on Vietnam earlier, it’s pretty probable, current US-Israel retaliation will end up as the Vietnam war II, if their aggression is allowed unchecked and the war drags on, shaming themselves again like they did to themselves at Afghanistan, a premature ejaculation of a World’s supremacist pride ending up with a meek, “Go Fcuk Yourselves!”, gifting fairy tale ending for talibans, who they actually vowed to annihilate. When will USA understand, a live cemetery in making is much more dangerous playfield for any living paradise? Perhaps it’s their arms Business hoping an Iron dome makes things safe? Can a Boxer buying an iron man-ish underwear brings in mental peace, especially when it gets too itchy?

“I’m a negotiator, like you folks.”

Doland Trump on Judaism.

When Biden could eat up Khashoggi issue and go for a fist bump with a butchering Saudi Prince, don’t know what kind of biases are overwhelming his warring stint with Palestinians. Maybe they got nothing to give back to Uncle Sam, other than their rich history and original ownership. With Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel and forthcoming battles… confused Biden has invited a bigger mess, than what he inherited from Obama and Trump, dragging USA down from status of supremacy towards schizophrenic insanity, emboldening the enemy forces.

Very sadly, From Obamas Vs McCains / Romneys, it’s now down to Biden Vs Trump and honestly the other options, especially for Republicans are even more scary… for America. USA is gradually moving towards the dirty politics of choosing between the devil and deep sea – well known phenomenon happening in what Americans proudly call as Third World, the distinguished community distinguishing themselves, by extinguishing hapless ones for an exhibitionist show on their supremacy. If you happened to hear about Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy’s debate exchanges for the Battle of (Des)troy, involving achilles heels you will get Third World goosebumps. The only Edifice / Infra to be built in future in USA could be that shiny Mexican border fence built at Mexico’s expense, to save Mexico from these presidential badasses, which could be used as Mirror by American Presidents, to see what exactly they have let down / destroyed.

And the Indian scout, the Indian looks at John Wayne and points to the Union soldier and says, ‘He’s a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.’ Well, there’s a lot of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers out there…


Biden’s mad love for Israel, even if it damages his own presidential prospects, losing the faith of the youth who want a good life not wars, reminds me of the story below.

A woman and her husband were experiencing marital problems, to the point where they were no longer having sex. After visiting several counselors the problems were not resolved.

The woman grew desperate, and was afraid to ask her husband for sex. In her desperation she visited a Gypsy, and explained her problem. The gypsy rummaged through her chest, and pulled out a jar with a pickled penis in it.

She told the women to say the words “Pickled penis my vagina” and it would have sex with her.

The woman takes it home and says the words. The pickled penis worked great.

As she reaches her climax her husband burst through the door and screams,” What the fcuk is that!” She tells him its a pickled penis.

The husband unfortunately replies,”Pickled penis my ass!”

“I will be phenomenal to the women. I mean, I want to help women.”

Donald Trump – Face the Nation, 9/8/15

Who would win in a street fight between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?

Everyone watching

For Abraham’s sake, rather singing peans about your mightiness of destruction, when he took hundred years to create one (or two) common ancestor, why don’t you guys talk or pinch each others asses till it turns pink, for that self satisfying bloody race test of supremacy, rather killing innocents on your name, race and religion? Call this rant preachy or pinky, feel free to go to hell in the name of God, race or religion, but don’t make this Planet a Hell suffocating others, who want to live a good life, however short it is. We can’t fight for centuries to restore your stupid Pride of your race, because your crooked reputation looks otherwise.

“I Think You’ll Find That Metal Is The Strongest Thing On The Earth Followed By Dynamite And Then Muscles.”

The Nazi Kid on Love in Jojo Rabbit Movie.

Gaza – the new Auschwitz

It will be of grave injustice,if we don’t reminisce the sacrifice of Jews for a better Planet in various fields and especially Humanity. What Jews went through the Holocaust and even before that across entire Europe is not something any other race could have endured or survived, forget about thriving amidst such hatred and jealousy. That’s something divine. Their dark history prior 1947 spanning centuries are written with blood of their ancestors. Free Israel could be eternally thankful to their ancestors who have sacrificed everything for their cause, including twenty lakh lives lost in World War II. Jews have paid a very big price for their freedom and land. Its now upon this generation to introspect, whether they have done deserving justice, to all such atrocities endured by their ancestors, by NOT acting like Mini-Hitler. Anyone who would have endured Auschwitz, sacrificing themselves, sending their kids as refugees somewhere else, hoping for better life, would not have dreamt of their own clan doing similar atrocities to another race, acting just like Hitler’s evil twin with irrational and unfathomable hate for Palestinians.

None of the sides are innocent, but it’s up to the people with enormous vested Power, with Mighty militaries to toy around like trained pet bulldogs, to ask themselves if they want yet another Holocaust, a deadly nazism, perpetuated by Hitler, which started modestly with making Jews second class citizens and then progressed towards providing small incentives to nazis just for the killing of innocent Jews and went on to achieve incorrigible levels of psychopathic madness as it progressively evolved with concentration camps. Such wicked Barbarism is not natural to Humans. it just happens by cultivating and nourishing the such habits in due course of time. If racism starts with wondering about one’s origins, nazism starts with wondering how to mete out a sadistic death to its hapless perceived enemies and it’s already a month of madness like, nazis shortlisted Auschwitz inmates to mete out further cruelty. Afraid we are in such a phase at Gaza. There are enough evidences, where Palestinian children are plain targets. Hamas tunnels are everywhere, but Israel, cleverly targets hospitals in the name of Hamas.

Afterall, you don’t need to be a Nazi to perform Holocaust. Anybody, irrespective of Hamas / IDF made to “Follow simple Orders” could be gradually trained to that of psychopathic Nazi level barbarism.

In a 1962 letter, as a last-ditch effort for clemency, Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann wrote that he and other low-level officers were “forced to serve as mere instruments,” shifting the responsibility for the deaths of millions of Jews to his superiors. The “just following orders” defense, made famous in the post-WWII Nuremberg trials, featured heavily in Eichmann’s court hearings.

Stanley Milgram, a Yale University psychologist, conducted a series of famous experiments that tested whether “ordinary” folks would inflict harm on another person after following orders from an authoritative figure. Shockingly, the results suggested any human was capable of a heart of darkness.

“Gradualness” of harmdoing.  Milgram’s subjects initially used very low, harmless levels of shock, and only gradually did the intensity of the shock increase.  This may have created a sense of psychological entrapment or dissonance for the subject during the course of the experiment.

Even I am not convinced with Milgram’s plain coercion theory for such a brutal massacre and it got a 8-20% exception cases of People defying orders. Let’s consider another theory which evaluates devaluation of Jews by Nazis as below.

In Nazi Germany, innocent Jewish victims (including infants and children) had been systematically devalued to the point where their lives were considered to be “unworthy of life.”  Centuries of antisemitism, a decade of legalized discrimination, and an intense, unrelenting onslaught of vicious, hateful propaganda depicting Jews as vile enemies, intent on domination, exploitation, and victimization of the German people, had allowed many Germans to remove Jews from the circle of human obligation, ultimately preparing the perpetrators to accept, and perhaps even welcome, the vilification and eventual destruction of the Jews.

Now, that’s a systematic way of reducing Jews to substandard Humans. Now replace the above paragraph – Anti-semitism with Islamophobia, Germans with ‘Israeli Right Wing extremist Jews’ ( Should we call them Razis?) and Jews with Palestine Arabs, we are just repeating History where a certain race gets dehumanized to the extent of no utility, except for its extinction.

Maybe I will complete reading Bible rather doing in parts or reading it on the back of auto rickshaws. Its rich… but more that, its writings also stand the test of time. Let’s sample the Parable of Tenants.

There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit (Matthew 21:33-34).

It was commonplace in the first century for a wealthy investor to buy property for a farm or vineyard and then leave it in the care of tenants. Come harvest, they’d send someone to collect their portion of the proceeds.

In this parable, the landowner is God, the vineyard represents Israel, and the tenants are the religious Jewish leadership.

The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way. Last of all, he sent his son to them. “They will respect my son,” he said (Matthew 21:35-37).

What Jesus is saying is that God had sent the prophets to Jerusalem, but they were mistreated and even killed. But now God had sent Jesus hoping that He’d demand the respect that was not given to the prophets.

But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, “This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.” So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

“Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”

“He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”

Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes?’”

“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.  Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”


I am not a believer of prophecies and miracles. Irrespective of how sophisticated we have becomes we are ruled by primitive emotions and characteristic traits and it’s no big deal that history repeats perhaps in different scales and dimensions. What makes Bible amazing is things worked as told in Bible much to Jesus’ prophecy, even after centuries to come. Israel was not ruled by Jews for centuries. Even after bloody war after war, they captured and ruled Jerusalem for just few years, only to wane losing to the Romans and Caliphs, failing to restore their Kingdom eventually settled themselves across Europe and USA. On the contrary, Arabs have never left Jerusalem / Palestine even after waves and tsunamis of war. Afterall, everyone being descendant of Abraham. It was only after Holocaust, part of the world acknowledged their miseries to give them their own homeland. In centuries of Jerusalem’s history, audacious people like Netanyahu may just get few lines of history of yet another failure of a greedy dream through wrong means. Maybe Israelis could introspect themselves and chart out a happy and peaceful path for every tenant of “God given Israel”. If Israelis still want to reject and remove such cornerstones, it will only damage their own structure however strong their iron dome is.

Oskar Schindler: Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don’t.

Amon Goeth: You think that’s power?

Oskar Schindler: That’s what the Emperor said. A man steals something, he’s brought in before the Emperor, he throws himself down on the ground. He begs for his life, he knows he’s going to die. And the Emperor… pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.

Amon Goeth: I think you are drunk.

Oskar Schindler: That’s power, Amon. That is power.

Schindler’s List Movie with a title card – There are fewer than 4000 Jews left alive in Poland today. There are more than 6000 descendants of the Schindler Jews. If you wonder what one act of kindness could do to this world.

Netanyahu or his racist leadership can never instill hope to gazans. Such Lip services from a seasoned Liar only reveals how dangerous its gonna be for the Palestinians, if world allows him to rein over Gaza. Unless the International bodies intervene, reviving their reputation of forming Free Israel, it’s going to be a meticulous cold calculated ethnic cleansing, diverting the world’s focus somewhere else.

When Netanyahu did not understand Sun Tzu’s “Every Battle Is Won Before It Is Ever Fought” 

In modern times, Any war which is going to be long is nothing but an acknowledgement that Israel has lost it already, just like Russia is going through convoluted war without an ending in sight, slowly burnings its fingers, hands and it still goes on… struggling like a fly got stuck in a zipper. More than damaging Ukraine, it got Putin crippled up and his close allies choosing lifeboats out of crisis. That’s the power of Human spirit when they believe they are fighting the good fight. I doubt if IDF will have the same conviction as Ukraine after making Gaza a merciless killing field. They only got vengeance and fear, and it may damage human instincts a lot more.

It’s Hebrew, it’s from the Talmud. It says, “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”

Schindler’s List Movie

More than Netanyahu, it seems like IDF is working as per the command of Hamas, with Israel losing all its diplomatic capital with the siege and bombings, except for its all weather ally USA, which may change with elections as nobody likes a sore loser in USA irrespective of the race and superiority. Israel’s mighty brand of mythical proportions is jaded, with its vulnerabilities stand exposed. All enemy needs is to hurt few jews to provoke them and they lose their mind, fuelled by their greed to colonize Palestine. Its mighty warfare mechanisms needing an overhaul where every defense mechanism got destroyed with evolving warfare techniques.

“The wise warrior avoids the battle.”

Sun Tzu, Art of War.

Finally, it means they are not so intelligent nation as claimed, because intelligence is not doing stupid acts of revenge but making use of crisis for betterment, focusing on big picture. Instead of hunting for the rats hidden underground they chose to burn down the entire Gaza to get rid off the Rats… Such acts are blind hatred not a sign of any intelligence the world experienced from the Jews. They are too afraid for underground combat, that they have chosen to fight blindly by bombing civilian targets where even children look like terrorists to such jaundiced eyes. They have clearly lost their ego of supremacy after the Hamas massacre, the same ego which granted them the guts to oppress Gazans for three quarters of century. Instead of searching what they have lost by improving on the defences, they chose to look for lost ego in Gaza, like a foolish man searching for the lost key in the dark somewhere else lighted enough to search for nothing. Their only logic seems to be crippling Palestine to a level where they can’t ever rise again. Even their own Jewish History will teach them enough lessons how such oppressions only made them stronger and vilier.

Revenge is a very sweet thing even for a Diabetic…

Two ancient statues in a Roman park had been locking eyes for over 1000 years, their bodies arched toward each other with the promise of a warm embrace.

One day a mystical witch stumbled upon the statues in the park and had an idea. She used her dark gypsy ways to bring the statues to life promising them an hour to do what they will before they once again must stand still for the rest of time.

Eagerly they took each other’s hand and rushed into the bushes. The witch smiled as she heard giggling delight and the undeniable sounds of pleasure from near by. Soon the witch heard the female statue crying aloud “I’m going to get one I’M GOING to GET ONE!….. Oh Yesss I got it!”

To which the male statue replied “Good, hold that dirty pigeon down while I shit on its head.”

But what happens after taking that sweet revenge? It turns bitter-gourd-ish nightmare waiting forever scared on paybacks. Guess who will win after that orgasmic One hour of borrowed life. It’s the pigeon each and every time if feels like defecating.

The reason why Israel think it got the better of revenge is with its catastrophics damages it has caused in its wars as Proxy of the west. It’s been its signature killing in multiples of its own casualties. Only difference being this time, it has gone savage killing civilians.

For Israel, justice is served as long they kill a lot more and it has always lived like a Coward shielding itself with iron dome and automatic guns, from its created enemies. The irony is they should have ideally paid back their revenge on the western countries in the same coin of Holocaust, meted out to their ancestors. A debate is still going on why their new western Allies, who got a history of driving Jews out of their countries, did not bomb Auschwitz and other concentration camps during second world war, the Jewish genocide centers in Germany. Whether its a moral dilemma to bomb the Jews there who are anyway going to get killed and save the future martyrs or they were just too busy to worry about Jews then, is anybody’s guess / judgement. Instead Israelis chose to kill and suppress hapless Arab inhabitants while getting aids from the countries who made them pariah of the world before 1947… Pure Vile not Valour!

A woman embraces the body of a Palestinian child killed in Israeli strikes, at a hospital in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, October 17. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

Can they really sleep in peace with so much of bloody history having created enemies at all fronts? If at all Biden-Blinken did not come up with unflinching support, blessing israel like the witch blessing the statues in the above story, this tiny nation, too tiny to fill its name on their land strip in World Atlas, would not have gone this far with its inhuman atrocities in Gaza. It would have silently continued its foxy work of slicing West Bank till the Jews become minority succumbing to the Palestinian fertility rates. Israel’s dream of Biblical Nation ‘Eretz Israel’, with ethnic cleansing of Arabs, is just future sour Grapes either way, just like Jesus predicted the future of their temple, which astonishingly stands still.

“Not one stone here will be left on another; everyone will be thrown down.”

Jesus on Jews temple in Jerusalem.

A question to all those who call anybody questioning Israel as Anti-semite, when the Israel multiplies their one Jew Israeli live to approximately 10 Gazan or X American lives, and goes around killing Gazans with an insane mathematical retribution, everytime in history, how would you call that mentality… Harmless racism? Killing people as self-defence is the most cowardly thing when the actual question that need to be answered will be, Why would someone be so angry to kill an innocent Israeli.

There is a level to which we can talk about peace. That is till the blood river flows below our head, allowing us to breathe. History has always taught us one ultimate lesson, when we fight nobody survives. Peace talks don’t have any meaning as some can’t learn by history, gets to understands peace only with what future holds. All that victory and loss are momentary, such meaningless moments are built upon numerous innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives. Nobody other than Jews stand as true testament to this theorem and they will stand as testament to the future. The Arab Muslims in Palestine will be feted / fated similar to Jews, showing a mirror with time lapse to the Israelis who are blinded by bloodthirst and vengeance. For the American past and present Presidents who love Israel and its lobby more than their Spouses, start drinking Gasoline as Gaza has enough for you to satiate your blood thirst. Afterall all killings are an “investment” right?

Palestinians work to pull the dead body of a girl from under the rubble of the municipality building which was hit by Israeli strikes in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, October 10. The girl was taking shelter with her family in the building after they fled their home due to the strikes. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa